Chapter Nineteen

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Two weeks had gone by like it was nothing

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Two weeks had gone by like it was nothing. I found Liam and I had developed a comfortable routine. I'd wake up (he refused to sleep in his room and insisted the couch was good for his back), make a tea and sit outside, except now I'd sit with children's books because the little boy would come every morning to listen in. He had yet to tell me his name. But everyday that he came, he sat for a little bit longer. Once he'd run off into the woods, Liam would come out with a coffee in hand and sit by me on the bench. We'd plan out the garden in the yard that I knew would never happen and the seeds we'd plant. We'd talk about books we were reading or ambitions we had.

I knew this was just to pass the time. This wasn't a long term solution but I assumed after the newness of the 'mate phenomenon' as it was affectionately referred to wore off, I'd be able to go back to my village and rebuild my bookstore better than ever. Liam and I talked about possible extensions to my bookstore with couches to lounge on and read or a tea shop.

Sometimes Liam would insist on going to a job on his own, claiming it would take too long or I'd be bored but otherwise I'd mostly go with him to odd jobs around town and I found it was a way to push me out of my comfort zone and meet the pack members. Some were nicer than others. Some were downright rude but others were kind and caring and not at all what I would have expected a wolf to be like.

It had me questioning all my assumptions about wolves, though many of my assumptions were founded on the very real cases of aggression they often showed humans. But I was slowly realizing that wasn't all of them.

And I had no words for Liam and I. If I was being honest, what was holding me back wasn't Charles anymore. It was my fear of being that close, that intimate with a wolf. The more I was around him the more I found myself watching him and my heart opening to him and I hated that with every fibre of my being. I knew it was the mate bond but it made me feel like I was coming to the decision on my own, which I wasn't. Liam was amazing, but his being a wolf wasn't something I could get over. I didn't know how to. My biases ran too deep for me to even give it a shot.

And then there was my parents.

What would they say about Liam? I shuddered to even think of it. My entire life was built around making them proud with my decisions.

So I could be grateful to the wolves that protected me and be kind to the ones that accepted me, but I drew the line at starting a relationship with one.

But I knew the longer I spent with him, the more I was slipping. Acts of love were seeping out and I found it nearly impossible to reign it in sometimes.

"Do you think I'll be able to visit home again soon?" I asked Liam as we prepared dinner together. Something else they we'd gotten into the habit of doing together. Today was roasted chicken and potatoes with vegetables.

He cleared his throat looking uncomfortable, "Of course. I think it would be smart to take Mason and Elijah with us when you decide to go."

I nodded, "But I'd be able to... have privacy there right?" I knew it was a rude question but I was missing my old life and my old people.

But Liam hadn't done anything to deserve that.

A look of hurt flashed across his face before he covered it up but the thing about being mates was feeling everything your mate was. So I felt how much it actually hurt him. "Of course," He said quickly.

"I'm sorry," I trailed but he just shook his head and pulled the vegetables out of the oven.

I stood awkwardly at the counter. Why should I feel sorry about wanting to see my fiancé? My friends? Without a body guard. I didn't have anything to apologize for.

Then why did I feel so guilty?

Because he loves you and you know it.

Mates sucked.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I know where you stand," He stated robotically like he always did when either of us slipped and fell into the feelings that always surrounded us. It was confusing.

Liam was very quiet after that and I could feel how sad I had made him. I felt awful for upsetting the guy who had done nothing but be kind to me.

"Want to eat outside?" I asked genuinely hoping it would lighten the mood.

Liam didn't say much in response so I set up a blanket on the floor and started to take out pots hoping it would clear the air. Literally.

We sat together in silence picking at our plates, neither of us really having much to say until I saw the same little visitor that came to see me every morning.

"Hi," I waved.

He waved back but continued to stare at our food.

"Are you hungry?" I asked holding out my plate.

He nodded. "I never had human food before."

I wrinkled my nose at the thought. "Want to try some?"

He shrugged so I filled up my plate and stood up, handing it to him before sitting on the bench and watching him.

He sniffed it first then grabbed the chicken leg with a grubby hand and shoving it into his mouth.

"My name's Andy," he said to be between mouthfuls.

"Nice to meet you Andy," I responded with a smile.

Liam stayed on the blanket, hands dangling on his propped knees, watching us.

"It's good, huh?" I asked as I watched him scarf down the plate's contents.

"Mmm," He responded with an open mouth.

One thing that was clear with the wolves was their lack of humanity. They preferred to live as actual animals. It was shocking and very difficult for me to digest.

Andy trotted off soon after he finished his plate and we began to collect the dishes before Liam interrupted the silence with a laugh.

"You just fed cooked chicken to the Alpha's son."

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