we're over.

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"jiho get up right now! it's time for school and you're not even awake huh? it's the first day of the 2nd semester!!" jiseok shook me, yelling and tugging the blanket off of me. I lifted a pillow from next to me and pushed it on his head, digging his perfectly made hair into the mattress. "noona* who do you think you are! my perfect hair! it's not gorgeous anymore! how will i get a girlfriend with this hair?!" i chuckled at his thought, he's thinking of getting a girlfriend for what? he's so ahead of himself. 

*noona - korean term for older sister

as he stormed out, i got out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom, where i brushed my teeth and put my hair into half up half down pigtails. i grabbed my uniform out of the closet and changed into it, after that i grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room into the kitchen. 

my mom was eating, and jiseok just finished, he's already heading to school, i don't think i'll have time to eat. I don't want to be late on the first day. I grabbed my phone from my room and tied my converses and headed out, saying bye to my mom. "jiseok wait up!!" i start running toward him and i grab his backpack, hitting him on the back of the head. 

"eh? jiho?" i hear my name as me and jiseok stop in our tracks. i turn around and it's eunwoo! i ran towards him and said hi "eunwoo! you couldn't have greeted me or waited in front of my house!" i gave a fake grunt, then smiled, and he smiled back, eunwoo planted a small kiss on my forehead. "get a roooooom." jiseok complained. i grabbed eunwoos hand and left jiseok in front to walk on his own as me and eunwoo walked. he seemed unnervingly quiet. we arrived at the school gates and i saw arin and minseo, i ran towards them and hugged them, "you guys look so pretty today!!" we exchanged compliments with each other and i saw jiseok walk past us.

 "jiseok-ie come here." he turned around and his pupils widened in terror as he looked at me, he really didn't want anyone to know i was his sister. "this is arin and minseo, you've heard me talk about them right?" he nodded in silence as he looked back at his group of friends. he turned red and ran back to them out of embarrassment. "man, this kid really is embarrassed of me, huh?" i turned to my friends, looked at eunwoo, and frowned.

he wanted to walk me to my class so he walked me and arin. minseo is in the grade above, and so is he, but minseo walked with her friends, she doesn't like eunwoo. she thinks that eunwoo is rude. me and arin sit across from each other, we put our pencil cups and book organizers on the desk. i sit next to someone named hayeon and arin sits next to a boy named dohyun, he seems nice. homeroom started and mr. choi was already talking about the sports competition in two months, he is way too head over heels about sports.

the bell rings for the end of homeroom, and during break most people went to the shop to get snacks. i did too. i went to the senior floor to go to eunwoo, and i don't see him. i decide to go down to the shop to: 1. sign up for a social activity group, and 2. get some snacks! 

i headed down and go to the sign up sheet, huh. i saw a guy that looked really similar to eunwoo, i walk into the shop instead of the sign ups, and i see eunwoo sitting at a table... but he's not alone, he's sitting with..

another girl?

i walk up to the table and glare at him, he's holding her hand. he stands up, lets go of her hand and his ears turn red. "j-jiho? what are you doing here?" i look around and scoff. "what do you think i'm doing? i came here to get snacks, like every other person in this fucking shop." he walks up to me and tries to grab my hand and he opens his mouth to explain himself. "listen- jiho--i'm sorry..can we talk somewhere else-?" he looked around at the many faces staring at us. "no, who do you think i am? am i just a pushover to you? you think it's okay to just apologize all the time right?" 

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