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"Sweetheart, should I order an alcoholic beverage for you or a non-alcoholic one?" He whispered into your ear as he brought you to the nearest plush chair for you to sit.

"The latter please." You took a seat, feeling slightly nervous at the thought of him leaving you alone yet you endured.

You don't want to act clingy and insecure.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

Pecking you on the cheek, he made his way to the cocktail lounge, and you took this chance to survey your environment so that you could divert your attention away from the fact that you're sitting here alone.

However, not a second later, someone leisurely sat right next to you, smiling as if the two of you had been a long-lost friend.

You blinked twice in confusion.

"Judging by your expression, are you new here, perhaps?" She leaned her cheek against her palm, her elbow rested on her knee, legs crossed.

You hesitantly nodded, a little awkward.

"Aw, your nervous expression is so cute."

She extends her hand to touch your cheek, which you quickly dodge away. She smiled, amused

"Are you... an escort?" You asked because other than this reason, you don't understand why a complete stranger would behave like this around you.

However, your question only causes her to burst out laughing.

"No, no, of course not," she shook her head, smiling sultrily. "I'm a client, just like you. Besides, ROMANCE doesn't have any female escort." 

You frowned. Clearly, you couldn't match the energy of this woman.

"You see, I was waiting for my escort. He told me that he's going to powder his nose, but he hasn't been back for a while," she sighed. "Well, I was to blame for hiring the service of such an indifferent man, but how can a woman like me resist that kind of man when he became so needy and aggressive during his heat?"

At that moment, you can faintly see bruises hiding under her sleeves when she moved her hands around, it somehow reminded you of the bruises Kael had around his neck, and as if she could read your mind, the woman scooted closer.

She rolled her sleeves up, showing you the red bruises circling her wrists, no doubt something which was done with her consent judging by her proud expression.

"What do you think? Does something like this interest you?" She chuckled.

"No." You furrowed your eyebrows.

The fact that there exist people out there who take pleasure from pain is beyond your comprehension. You don't understand; pain is pain, what's so good about that? Human skin is not a canvas or paper for them to draw and cut on it. The skin's job is to protect the body from bacteria, chemicals, and temperature, not to be scarred.

"Funny how you said that when you hired the service of a male escort who's well-known in the industry for his masochistic tendencies and relentless endurance," she sneered. "Hey, how about you try it sometimes? I promise you it can be quite addictive especially if the one you did it with is with Kael. I bet someone as inexperienced as you never feels that sense of power and control even though there's a person right by your side who's willing to submit to you, or do you wish to be controlled instead? If you asked, I'm sure your escort willー"

"Stop that." You stood up with annoyance shown on your face. "I'm not interested."

The woman stared at you for a while with a frown, obviously disliking your attitude, before apathetically averting her eyes away.

She muttered under her breath. "And here I thought we could be friends."

As if on cue, the man she was waiting for finally appeared, watching her from afar, and her eyes light up. The woman stood up and left your side without a single glance, happily yelling out his name which is "Cyrus." You glanced at the way she circled her hands around his and noticed the piercing stare her escort had on you, interestingly, he has a pair of heterochromia eyesーthe left side is amber and the right side is grey.

The man doesn't linger longer there though. After just a moment, he turned his back and began to move away, bringing the woman with him as he made his way down the hallway in the direction of the rooms probably intended for guests. 


A cold beverage was then pressed on your cheek and you flinched in surprise, looking to your side to see Kael smiling while holding your drink and his.

"Who are you looking at?"

You didn't answer, merely staring at his face as you were reminded of that woman's words.

"Funny how you said that when you hired the service of a male escort who's well-known in the industry for his masochistic tendencies and relentless endurance."

Thinking back to his profile, it was written that he consented to any type of roleplay, but you didn't expect that he has masochistic tendencies. You frowned, looking down on your feet.

"Should I... end our contract here?" 

His body goes rigid at your suggestion.

"Whaー Iー did I do something wrong, sweetheart?" He put the drink down on the nearest table. "Is it because it took me too long to get the drinks? Did I bore you, perhaps?"

You shook your head. "No, it's nothing like that. I justー I think we're not compatible."

"Who said that?"

"Isn't it clear enough already?" You raised your head, frowning bitterly. "If you're with me, you will starve. I can't give you the affection that you need. You need someone to love you passionately while I? I just need someone to stay by my side, nothing more, nothing less. Our needs don't match."

You bit your lips, chin wobbled as you tried to hold back the frustration inside you.

"I'm sorry. I thought if I spent more time with you, surely I would get used to giving you affection, but it has been weeks and we haven't even kissed on the lips yet. I deluded myself that if we stayed long enough, I would be able to kiss you soon, but now that I realize your needs go way beyond kisses on the lips, I don't think I will ever be ready, even though I still desire you to stay by my side."

You took a deep breath, trying hard not to ruin your makeup.

"That person is right, I am selfish."




Cyrus is no.7

First place goes to No. 7 who received 7 votes. Second place goes to No.5 with 5 votes and third place goes to No.8 with 4 votes.

7 is indifferent. 5 is devoted, and 8 is passionate (noted that this may change once they enter their yandere phase)

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