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Hey there, lovely readers!

I trust all of you are well and cozy in this wintry season.

First off, my sincerest apologies for the delay in getting this chapter to you. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride trying to bring this one together. But hey, it's finally here!

Also, telling you something, I've had my doubts while penning down this chapter, thinking whether you'll like it or not. Nevertheless, I've poured my heart into it, and I hope it manages to capture your interest.

Your feedback means the world to me! So, if this chapter strikes a chord with you, if it leaves you wanting more or simply sparks a thought or two, please consider dropping votes and leaving your precious comments.

Also, 130 votes and 30 comments are needed to unlock what's in store for the next chapter!

So, without further ado, I present to you the latest update, hoping that you enjoy it.

Happy reading, dear friends!

Third Person's POV

The air hung heavy with the lingering fragrance of fading incense sticks, their wisps intertwining with the dying glow of nearly extinguished diyas. Guests began to disperse after the conclusion of the pooja.

The Mehtas too bade their warm farewells after relishing their meal, enveloping Anisha and Maisha in heartfelt embraces while exchanging hopes of seeing each other soon.

With them being the last ones to leave, a sense of quietude settled over the Raichand house as the family sat at the dining table, engaging in conversation and relishing the flavors of the prepared feast.

Meanwhile, in his secluded home office, Atharva, who couldn't go to work due to the pooja, meticulously pored over intricate financial data on his laptop screen. He was engrossed in the labyrinth of numbers and reports that dictated his professional responsibilities, while attending a phone call at the same time.

Suddenly, a rhythmic tap on the door disrupted his concentration, drawing a frown of irritation on his face. "Come in," he called curtly, his tone crisp and businesslike.

His irritation softened, replaced by surprise and curiosity that registered on his face, as the door creaked open, revealing Anisha standing there. Her graceful figure was draped in the elegant folds of a saree worn during the pooja. With delicate poise, she held a tray in her hands, her expression conveying a blend of determination and a subtle hint of hesitation.

"I'll call you later," Atharva spoke into the phone before disconnecting the call. Standing up from his seat, he moved over towards Anisha.

Anisha was standing near a sofa, positioned with a table placed near the entrance of the office, away from his desk.

"Anisha," he called, his voice notably softer.

If anyone who had overheard his tone on the phone suddenly heard him addressing her, they would have been surprised by the striking change in the softness of his voice.

"Sorry to disturb you," Anisha said with a slight quiver in her voice, stilll holding the tray in her hands.

Atharva gently took the tray from her hands and carefully placed it on the table. "You didn't disturb me," he reassured her with a calm demeanor.

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