Chapter 1

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I have a small request that please Comment in this book as it is very short story and I really enjoyed while writing it ❤️ Thank you !!

Everyone is dancing and enjoying themselves but she is rubbing her arms with a small smile, looking at her friends enjoying themselves. She always wants to do the same, in fact she is dancing better than them in her head !

She wants to be dragged like her friends are dragging others on the dance floor but an interesting thing is, she said no, just waiting to be compelled more was not done which is just better. The one thing which she still thinking is that why she even came to this party ?

Surrounded A bunch of people her age and some 2-3 year elder at her friends birthday party organised by her big brother. She thought it would be simple, cute kind of her party but no, it's all about drinks and games with loud music which is giving her a headache. Also the worst part she is wearing a jeans and crop top looking the odd one out while others are in mini least they should have been specific about it..shouldn't they? She thought.

She walks towards the table and pour herself a glass of coke not before looking around if anyone is watching her. She got back on sofa with other introvert people just like her but yet they are able to talk so she is not considering them as introverts !

As she drank her coke her friend came and sat beside her breathing heavily.

"Can you please bring a glass of water for me?" Her friend points out and she wanted to deny but yet being a good girl and always agreeing to her friends, which any protest she brought her a glass of water.

"Thank you yaar. I love you" She drank the water in one gulp and as she got charged, her friend got back to dancing.

She sat there quietly observing them for half and hour, no one asking for her, no one concerned about her was making her feel...Sad but she is good in covering it up.

Her friends gathered around the sofa and were talking other group of people that is the friend of the birthday girls brother settled in other Sofa. They were all laughing and whenever she tried to speak no one hear it out, cause she was not so loud.

So she thought it's better to be silent but even that was not digestible to a guy friend of her pointing it out "You can speak do you know"

She just smiled feeling pity on her self of not being able to just...speak. She formed words in her mind but before her, her friend answered on her behalf "She doesn't talk to Jerk's"

And then began their banter. She also wanted that but alas she can't until she is around just 2-3 people not 7-8 for God Sake.

Oh the tears which were forming in her eyes for being not so noticed by her own friends as well, she excused herself and go out of the restaurant cum party house and sat on a bench. It is chill out side and she could inhale the cold air. The lump in her throat was paining her and she started missing her mother, she needed to be with her now.

She sobbed a little and rubbed her fresh tears and looked straight at the brushes which had pink and blue flowers. Again rubbing her tears and bitting her lower lip she does nothing but cry letting out what was in her which was making her feel pathetic.

Then she heard someone behind her shout "I will be back in 5 minutes" A male voice and she didn't turn to look who it was.

The person at beside her and turned her face to the other side and with the back of her hand she rubbed her tears, sniffing. She doesn't want this person to see her crying.

Soon she smelled smoke and the puff which was formed due to it was now visible, it made her look at him. Yes..He is smoking and she hates who smoke !

He again place the cigarette between his lips and another puff of smoke forms. She wave her hand in front of her and close her nose.

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