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 The matter of the six thieves was quickly settled. Since they did give crucial information this time, Zhao Xingguo decided to reduce the punishment as they had agreed before. They were originally hung on the tree for two days without giving any food. To eat, I would be locked in a firewood hut and starved for two days.

  The six people were locked in the dark and cold woodshed, but they breathed a sigh of relief. They finally saved their four fingers. They would never dare to come to this poor ravine in Wanxi Village again. Nothing was stolen. Forget it, it's not worth it to be beaten alive and starved for two days.

  A patrol team in the village was quickly formed.

  Since Wanxi Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the only way to enter the village is through the entrance of the village. Everyone in the village unanimously decided to build a protective fence at the beginning of the village.

  It was originally planned to use the wood cut from the mountain before the fire to build a wooden fence. However, after much deliberation, the villagers still felt that the wooden fence was not safe. What should you do if your wooden fence burns? This wooden fence burns very quickly and cannot withstand it for long.


  Everyone finally decided to build a protective wall using the previously burned red bricks and the bricks and stones that everyone had excavated in the ruins before. The gate was the big iron gate from Butcher Liu's yard that they found among the rubbles before!

  The iron gate was thick and strong. Although it had experienced the baptism of the earthquake, and the surrounding walls were all collapsed by the earthquake, the thick iron gate was still intact, not even the slightest bend! The most important thing is, This iron door is large enough for a truck of more than ten tons to drive through. As long as there is such a large iron door to facilitate the villagers to come in and out by themselves, it must be enough.

  In addition, Zhao Tianliang also proposed the idea of ​​building a high-level sentry at the gate.

  With the high sentry post, as long as someone stands on the sentry post every day to patrol and check the traces of other people, the burden of the patrol team in the village can be reduced by half.

  This matter was unanimously approved by everyone. Although their village was surrounded by mountains on three sides and was easy to defend and difficult to attack, it did not mean that those guys would not first climb up the mountain and then attack their village from the back of the mountain. Although this possibility is very small, they still have to be vigilant. The people in Commander Meng's army came directly from the mountain behind them.

  In the end, the matter was settled. A patrol team was formed in the village. The patrol team would send out 14 people every day from 7 o'clock in the evening to 7 o'clock in the morning. During this period, ten people would patrol back and forth in the village. Of the remaining four people, two will squat at the high-pitched sentry during the day and two at night. They will keep an eye on the situation on the road outside and blow the whistle to warn them if something happens.

  The matter was settled just like that.

  Zhao Xingguo, Zhao Zhengde and several elderly people in the village also discussed how the village committee patrol team should dispatch people.

  The patrol team recruits people within the age range of 18 to 55 years old. Anyone whose family has a male in this age group, as long as they are healthy, must join the patrol team and follow the patrol!

  As a result, families with more males in the family, and at this age, are at a disadvantage. Therefore, the village stipulates that unless there are only old, weak, sick and young people left in the family who can enjoy special care, there will be no adult male labor force in other families. Each household needs to pay 10 kilograms of grain every month to serve as a late-night snack for the patrol team members who patrol the villagers every day to replenish their physical fitness.

Little Landlord in the End of the World (MTL)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن