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ik ik these are all wildly out of character but i don't think she should be portrayed just as Knox's love interest, and i want her to be someone i would want to be, so here's a badass-ified Chris Noel for you

-didn't go to college

-became a hippie in the sixties

-did not stop being a hippie

-huge civil rights activist

-has a dog named Chip and a parakeet named Chirp

-allergic to cats

-side job is working in a record store

-Jimi Hendrix and The Grateful Dead are her favorite musicians

-Chet died in Vietnam and she went to his funeral, which drove her to activism (they weren't together but Ginny really wanted her to come)

-100% pansexual, has slept with a lot of people (in a hippie way, ya know?)

-owns a pottery store in Salem Mass (where she lives)

-still very close to Knox even though they aren't dating anymore

-once slept with George Harrison after one of The Beatles' concerts

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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