Fifty three

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Alador walked into the room where Mariah was been treated by the healers. His mother rushed to him and touched his face, wiping out a trace of blood from the corner of his lips, “you need to be treated to,” she said.
Alador smiled, but his eyes remained on Mariah, “I saved her mother,” he whispered.
Azura glanced at Mariah and smiled, “aye, you did son, your father must be very proud of you.”
This time, he looked at her with sorrowful eyes, “I’m sorry I could not save him.”
Azura glanced at him and smiled painfully, “you had no idea what happened, nobody did. So I am not blaming you.”
He reached for her and pulled her into his arms, kissing her head softly, “I love you mother, and I am sorry for not being the son you have always wanted me to be.”
“It does not matter anymore, besides, you are gradually becoming it again and with what I know now, I am not blaming you anymore. You wanted to live a happy life and Ilayas took advantage of it. I would never be against you having a chance in love and I deeply apologize for fighting you the other time. I just did not want you to make…”
“Every human are not the same mother,” he whispered.
Surprised, Azura looked up at him, “how did you know?”
“When I was a hundred and fifteen, I happened to hear the thoughts of our people. It happened only that day and I was scared, but it did not repeat itself until a few days ago when I was under the curse, I saw it in your memory that night after I challenged Ilayas to a fight.”
“And now, can you still?” she asked and Alador nodded. Azura sighed and communicated with him in her thought, “then no one should know about this, I am sure no one will like the fact that you can hear every thought they have.”
Alador nodded and kissed her forehead, “I understand.”
He left her then to approach Mariah, she was lying on her belly on the bed with her eyes closed and he could tell that she was putting on a fight, a fight for him and it just made him love her more. Though he doubts if there is still a space in his being that she hasn’t already occupied. He sat down beside her on the bed and held her hand in his, he watched as the healers cleaned up her wound before applying their healing herbs which always work magic as far he is concern and he knew that in just a matter of days that she would be healed and she can laugh with him again and this time, with no danger lurking in the shadows.
“My king, we need to treat you too,” one of the healers said.”
Alador smiled and without a word, laid down beside Mariah on the bed, he watched her as his wounds were cleaned and he wished she could just open her eyes and stare at him, he was dying to look into her beautiful emerald green eyes, the eyes that had captivated him the first time he laid his eyes on her. For once since knowing of her existence, he has no lingering fear deep inside his heart that something would happen to her. He feels so light and internally happy for the first time in his life.
When the healers were done with them both, he said, “leave us,” and they all bowed before following Azura out, they are going to stay in the palace till they have fully recovered. Alador scooted closer to Mariah and placed a kiss on her forehead, he stared at her flawless face and his heart jubilated in happiness when her eyes opened to glance at him. But they weren’t open for long for she closed them as soon as possible and went back to sleep. The wound affected her badly and while it seemed like his were not hurtful because of his healing ability, he cannot compare himself to her, after all, she was just a human.
He wrapped his arm on her back, careful not to touch her wound and gently scooted her into his arms and like that, he fell asleep with her close to his heart where she belonged.
The next morning, Alador was awoken by a commotion outside, he scrunched his face and groaned softly. Wondering what it was all about.
“What is going on?” he heard a husky voice ask and looked down at the emerald green eyes staring at him.
“Mariah,” he whispered, his happiness very evident in voice as his eyes watered, “you are awake.”
Mariah nodded and tried to move but only to stop abruptly and groan in pain. “Are you alright?” he asked immediately, searching her through with his eyes to know what is wrong with her, “where is it hurting?”
“My back, it hurts so bad,” she replied.
“Close your eyes,” he whispered tenderly but Mariah only opened her eyes more, knowing what he was about to do.
“No Alador, don’t take the pain away by putting it on yourself,” she whispered and reached up and caress his face, “I wouldn’t mind going through this pain a thousand times if it means I would be like this with you.”
Alador smiled and kissed her forehead, “and I would not mind taking all the pain in this world just to have you like this.”
Mariah smiled but frowned soon after, “but tell me Alador, what happened? I can remember seeing the darkness and giving up to the pain and the voice luring me in.”
“Do not worry, that would be story for another day.”
“Why can’t you tell me now?”
He wanted to answer but then there was a knock on the door and soon after, the door opened and Azura entered, “I am sorry for disturbing but everyone is demanding to see you Alador, including the elders. The throne has remained empty for a while now and the kingdom has been without a king longer than necessary.”
Alador chuckled and nodded, “aye mother, I can hear them whispering when I will be taking the rites as a king.”
“That’s good so please, can you come out and address your people? Do not worry about Mariah, I will watch after her.”
“Thank you mother,” he replied and she smiled and closed the door. Alador turned to Mariah, “the healers would be here soon to dress your wound. I will do my best to return to you as soon as possible. Will you miss me?”
Mariah laughed and regretted it soon after as she ended up moaning in pain. Alador panicked immediately, “I’m so sorry,” he apologized and she shook her head at him though scrunching her face in pain. “I will send for the healers now.”
He climbed out of the bed and got dressed but before he was done, there was a knock on the door and the healers entered. He was relieved to see them and when they went to check on Mariah, he smiled to her and whispered his love to her in her thought, knowing she heard him perfectly for she offered him the sweetest smile which he held in his memory and left the room.

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