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"- you two don't say anything, get in the car." Billy shoved Ben forward. Ben, without protesting, got in the passenger side of Billy's car.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride home." Billy told Robin, who nodded.

"Okay." Robin and James got in the back, and Billy got in the driver seat, turning on the car.

Nobody said anything as Billy drove. Ben was looking out the window. While James was looking down at his lap.

Both boys were clearly angry, but neither wanted to further piss off Billy. They could both agree that Billy was terrifying when he's pissed.


Robin closed the door behind her. Billy had just dropped them off.

"Hey, don't walk away. What the hell were you thinking, James? Fighting with ben?" Robin questioned

"He started it." James grumbled

"I don't care who started it! You are in so much trouble. You and Ben both broke Gretchen's music box that was a gift from her late grandmother," Robin started

James frowned. He felt like shit about it.

"I don't care what you and Ben have going on, but you two better apologize to her and hope she forgives you." Robin sighed

"What were you thinking, James?" She questioned

"It wasn't my fault! Ben attacked me first!" James agrued, glaring at Robin.

"You are not my mom, so stop acting like it!" He spat out before he rushed away and towards his room, slamming the door shut.

"Great." Robin mumbled to herself, shaking her head.


Billy and Ben entered their house. Ben walked up the stairs, "Hey! Stop." Ben paused and turned around, facing Billy.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Billy questioned and Ben glared at him.

"It wasn't my fault. It's was James." Ben said,

"I don't care who's fault it is! You broke Gretchen's music box! Do you know how much that meant to her, huh?" Billy told him, sighing

"Look, I get it, okay? You're upset because Mom left without so much of a fucking goodbye. If you need to talk about something, you know you can always come to me, ben." Billy said

Ben scoffed ,"Can I? Seriously? You're angry! You are pissed, I can see that! Don't you think I don't know what you did, huh?"

"I saw the video, Billy. I saw dad cheating on mom with that whore, Maureen! Then she ends up dead? You talk about anger," Ben walked down the stairs and harshly poked Billy in the chest, glaring up at him

"But you can't control it!" He spat out, "instead you kill people because of it! So why can't I? Hm? "

"Because Ben, you are not like me. You will never be like me, and that's a good thing. You and James have been friends since you two were in diapers along with Gretchen," Billy told him

"Just cause you both like her doesn't mean you have to fight over her." Billy lifted his hand and poked Ben in the forehead

"Use that thing in there for once in your life, kid. How do you think Gretchen will feel if suddenly her two best friends are fighting over her, huh? She doesn't even know that the two of you like her." Billy said

"How.. how did you know?" Ben questioned, and Billy huffed out a small chuckle

"Cause I'm not an idiot like you and I for one actually use my brain, dumbass." Billy said before he sighed

"Look, for the sake of Gretchen, you two better fucking figure out how to tolerate each other enough to be around her or else, you'll lose her forever." Billy told him

Ben frowned, he didn't want to lose Gretchen and he definitely didn't want to lose Gretchen to James but if he doesn't tolerate James than he could forever lose her.

"How about we order pizza? All this talking made me hungry." Billy mumbled.




ater that night, after making sure that Billy was asleep. Ben had snuck out and was back at the Macher house.

He was going to fix Gretchen's music box and apologize.

"What are you doing here?" Ben sighed as he heard the voice of James from behind him. He rolled his eyes and turned around.

"What are you doing here?" Ben questioned, and James scoffed ,"I'm here to steal Gretchen music box and fix it for her."

Ben tsk, "That was my idea."

James rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"You'll lose her forever." The voice of his older brother sounded in his head. God, even when his brother is sleeping, he's still annoying the hell out of him, but he's right.

"Look, I'm not good at this kinda of stuff, but for the sake of not losing Gretchen, let's put our shit aside." Ben told him

"Why? You want me to just, what? Let my guard down? Let you take Gretchen from me?" James questioned

Ben scoffed ,"Who said she was yours? Look, she doesn't even know that we both like her, but if we keep this up, if we keep fighting, she will hate us, and we will lose her,"

"I don't know about you, but I rather suffer being her friend than losing her." Ben said, running a hand through his hair

James stared at Ben for a minute before nodding. "Alright. I don't want to lose her either. She means a lot to me."

"I don't think either of you have much of a choice anymore." Both boys were startled, jumping in fright.

"Jesus fuck!"

Stu let out a small laugh ,"oopsie, my bad."

He glared at them, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why are you both sneaking around?"

James and Ben shared a look before Ben sighed.

"We're here to steal Gretchen's music box and fix it for her and apologize." Ben told him

"Wait, what do you mean we don't have much of a choice anymore?" James questioned

"My little sister spent an hour crying because of you two dipshits. You seriously think I'm gonna let you see her or talk to her again." Stu told them

"What? You can't do that!" Ben agrued, and James nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, look, we didn't mean to make her cry, we just..we settled our differences, and we want to make it up to her, so please , don't take her away from us." James pleaded

Stu's eyes darted between both boys before sighing.

"One last chance."


Word count - 1070

Hope you enjoy!

Mystery Incorporated ¹ || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now