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After the Third Task, Dumbledore had taken them through all the Ministry mandated requirements and Harry had had his picture taken for the Prophet. They'd forced him to stand and smile and pose and had even taken one with Draco, until finally he was handed his prize money and allowed to leave.

He had then gone to Dumbledore's Office, where everyone who knew about the time travel, as well as all the Order members who had been told so they could protect Harry, were gathered. Dumbledore had explained that they would discuss things in detail over the summer at Grimmauld, where everyone would be present and could be filled in.

He then told Harry and Draco privately that they would also discuss the Horcruxes further, and the means they had to get rid of them. Harry told Dumbledore he still had a stash of fangs, but Dumbledore said he needn't worry yet. They had the sword, and if Harry already knew what the Horcruxes were when Voldemort didn't know they did, they should be alright.

It was around 3:30 am when they had finally been allowed to leave.

Harry was tired and irritable and grumpy. Draco was much the same. He didn't really want to go back to Gryffindor to sleep in his bed alone, and so he asked Snape if he could 'pretty please just this once' let him sleep in the Slytherin dormitory.

Snape, who seemed equally as tired and annoyed, surprisingly allowed it, and so by the end of the night, Harry lay curled against Draco, arms wrapped right around him as he thought about the years to come.

"Do you think it'll be okay?" He murmured into the darkness. Harry didn't really know if Draco was asleep, but judging by the easy way his eyes cracked open to look at him, he hadn't been.

"Yeah." Draco answered.

"You do?"

"I do."

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