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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading Volume 26

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The Little Universe of the End of the World Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

-part volume reading 26

He Chengshuang just called him.

After Ye Qingrang had used his spiritual power for a week, He Chengshuang had already brought the porridge. Ye Qingrang drank it slowly, took the new clothes and put them on. He got out of bed and opened the window, and a cold air rushed in from the window. Ye Qingrang felt it, leaned on He Chengshuang who was walking behind him, and said, "The temperature has dropped a lot today."

He Chengshuang hugged him and said, "Isn't that good? If it stays as hot as before, I can't live this life."

Ye Qingrang had experienced it once, but He Chengshuang certainly didn't take it for granted. He analyzed it for him: "The environment is in chaos. After the extreme heat, it is very likely that there will be extreme cold weather for thousands of years. If this is the case, this winter will be difficult. It's going to happen."

He Chengshuang was not very worried: "With your skills and mine, as long as it's not too cold, it'll be fine. Lao Jiang can barely handle it, and Dahei doesn't have to worry."

Ye Qingrang thought to himself: "Of course we don't have to. Fear, people who have awakened their superpowers can also withstand severe cold. The ones who suffer the most are ordinary people who are old, weak, sick and disabled."

At the same time, in a foreign hospital, one of the first patients sent for treatment due to high fever The middle-aged man suddenly lost his mind and scratched the nurse who was changing his dressing. Then he rushed out of the ward and bit everyone he saw, causing quite a stir. However, he was quickly controlled by medical staff and security, and it was announced that it was a viral mutation. The patient's temperament changed and he became manic. He has been transferred to a special ward for observation and treatment.

In the following days, incidents of patients and people being injured broke out all over the world. The most frightening thing was that the victims of the attacks also began to fall into coma. When they woke up, they were manic and unable to control themselves.

The government has stepped in and said that the development of a vaccine for the new virus is being stepped up. People are asked not to panic, pay more attention to their relatives and friends who have experienced fever symptoms, and seek medical treatment in time if there is any problem to avoid causing greater trouble.

However, there were so many people suffering from fever some time ago that it was impossible to detect any omissions, and it was impossible to fully control them.

The car stopped in front of a luxury hotel. A tall man in black opened the door and He Chengshuang and Ye Qingrang stepped out.

The more tense the situation became, the more popular some of He Chengshuang's businesses were. The person he wanted to talk about tonight came all the way from Sichuan. He Chengshuang didn't want to take it, but Ye Qingrang asked him to consider it. Ye Qingrang's words, as long as it's in He Chengshuang will listen to everything under the bed.

Before coming, Ye Qingrang analyzed it carefully with him: "Have you ever thought about how we will go in the future if this virus cannot suppress a full outbreak?"

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