Chapter Fifteen

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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


It hadn't been my plan to stop by work while I was in town, but it happened.

Turns out, I guess I couldn't turn off that part of my brain, especially when it concerned Meredith.

"Investigation is done," Brady informed me, handing me the folder. I set my coffee on his desk and flipped open the folder, looking at the pictures. My stomach turned at the sight of Meredith in her hospital bed, oxygen tubes up her nose, blood on her hairline, bruises littering her skin.

"Bookstore and apartment are ready for work, then?" I asked him.

He nodded. "All set and ready to go," he informed me.

I handed him back the folder. "And she won't have to testify against him in court?"

Brady shook his head. "We might have to interview her to get all of our facts together before the case, but no. I'll stand in for her."

I shook his hand before I picked up my coffee again. "Thanks, Brady."

He dipped his chin. "Anytime, Sheriff."

I strode out of the small office, waving to the dispatcher before I strode outside, pulling my phone from my pocket. I called in a couple of favors to a construction crew in town as well as a window installer for Meredith's store. I was assured the job would be done within the next few days.

"You're head over heels for this woman, aren't you, Chase?" Heeler asked me, amusement in his tone.

"Fell face first," I admitted, not even ashamed about it.

He laughed. "Figured you'd be the first one out of all of us to settle down, though I've been wondering if Grayson would beat you to the punch with Farrah."

I grunted. Heeler laughed harder. "Alright; I'll shut up. Let your pretty lady know we'll have it done by the end of the week," he told me.

"Thanks, Heeler."

I hung up and finally went to the grocery store. When I got there, my phone pinged with a message from Meredith.

Grayson stopped by and asked to take me out to his ranch. Hope that's okay. If you need me, that's where I'll be. -Meredith

I smiled down at my phone, sending a mental thank you to my best friend for getting her out of the house and to somewhere that she didn't have to worry about people bothering her and staring at her.

Have fun, sweetheart. I'll see you in a bit. -Chase


I walked out towards the barn where I could hear Meredith laughing. Farrah was standing next to her, and Grayson was mucking a horse stall.

Meredith was beaming down at the tiny kitten in her arms, her eyes lit up with joy.

It was one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever seen in my life.

"Hey, sweetheart," I greeted.

She looked up, aiming that perfect smile at me. "Chase, look at this cute little baby!" she exclaimed.

I reached out and rubbed the little guy's head, my smile widening when he purred. He was gray with white paws and extremely fluffy.

He fit perfectly with Meredith.

"You wanting a kitten?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "Don't they require a lot of work, though? I mean, I'm normally always busy—"

"Cats are pretty self-sufficient animals," Grayson told her, leaning his shovel against the wall before walking over to us. I saw my sister's eyes linger on him before she blushed and looked back at the kitten. "If you want him, you can have him."

Meredith beamed at him. "Really? How much do you want for him?"

Grayson chuckled and shook his head. "I don't want anything except to have him out of my hair," he assured her. "One barn cat is enough for me."

She frowned. "I don't like taking things for free."

He playfully rolled his eyes at her. "Then spread the word to your customers when you reopen that I've got free kittens."

She nodded. "Okay," she smiled.

"Speaking of reopening," I said, drawing her attention back to me, "the investigation has been closed. Your shop is all set to reopen Monday. I called in a couple of favors to some people, and they'll have your shop and apartment ready to go by the end of the week."

Her eyes washed with tears. Holding the kitten to her chest with one hand, she threw her other arm around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her to me. "Oh, Chase, thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with tears.

I pressed my lips to the top of her head. "Anything for you, sweetheart."

And I meant that.

And I meant that

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