Chapter 26 Meeting survivors

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 After collecting the first floor, Bai Chacha didn't dare to delay, so he quickly went to the first floor and collected all the various household appliances on the entire floor.

  Regardless of whether it can be used in the future, take it away first.

  Even if you want to collect it in the future, it will probably be useless.

  Of course, you can't let go of the clothes on the second floor. Whether it's men's, women's, summer or winter clothes, or children's clothes, all of them will be taken away!

  We couldn't let go of the bedding, even the big bed where the samples were displayed was taken away!

  After coming out, Bai Chacha did not go after Xu Ziyuan and the others directly, but went back a while, where there was a stationery store.

  These were all things that would no longer be needed in the end of the world, but she still collected them all.

  After collecting them, he went to chase the others without stopping.

  Xu Ziyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Bai Chacha returning safely.

  There is more than one small supermarket on a commercial street, and before you know it, Bai Yayi's space is almost full.

  A few people were about to continue when suddenly a rumble of motorcycles came from the road.

  A large group of howling zombies followed behind.

  The hearing and smell of zombies also have limited ranges, so they collected supplies for so long and carefully killed the zombies without attracting the attention of more zombies.

  As a result, hundreds of zombies gathered together and ran toward them because of this motorcycle.

  Soon zombies discovered the six of them, and more and more zombies abandoned their motorcycles and rushed towards their location.

  Xu Ziyuan made a quick decision, "Everyone, get in the car and let's go!"

  No one at dared to delay. The two off-road vehicles quickly ran over the corpses of the zombies and rushed out of the encirclement.

  The motorcycle in front also spotted them and accelerated even faster.

  Not to be outdone when driving, Xu Ziyuan and Chen Wenke increased their power and rushed forward, trying their best to break away from the zombies.

  The closer you get to the city center, the harder it gets.

  The roads were all filled with vehicles leaving the city, and traffic accidents caused by serial collisions made the already not spacious urban roads even more congested.

  Motorcycles are okay and can pass through the narrow gaps between cars.

  But the same cannot be said for their off-road vehicles.

  He was soon stuck in traffic jam.

  The motorcycle quickly disappeared.

  Fortunately, they also got rid of the zombies behind them.

  Everyone had to get out of the car to clean up the zombies and the road.

  Only by clearing a passable path can they move forward.

  According to everyone's special abilities, Chen Wenke, Liao Xiaoyu and Bai Chacha got out of the car and opened the way, while Xu Ziyuan and Bai Yayi followed in two cars respectively.

  After upgrading to level two, Chen Wenke and Liao Xiaoyu's wind and earth elements became much stronger.

  Bai Chacha's strength was stronger than everyone imagined, and she easily lifted the cars blocking the road aside.

  It is enough that Chen Wenke and Liao Xiaoyu are responsible for cleaning up the zombies around her and protecting her.

  Although the cleaning speed is very fast, it still wastes a lot of time.

  The sun has already set, and it will be completely impossible to go on the road after dark.

  Just as a few people were wondering where to stay for the night, a truck drove out of the branch road.

  After seeing them, stop the car and say hello to them.

  "Brothers, where are you survivors from? Do you need help?"

  Chen Wenke glanced at Xu Ziyuan and replied: "No, thank you."

  The driver of the truck didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly got out of the car and walked to Chen Wenke before.

  "You are coming from out of town, right? It seems that you are driving in the direction of going to City A? It's almost dark, and there are zombies all around. It's not peaceful. The zombies are more active at night than during the day."

  "If you don't mind, little brother, You can stay with us for one night."

  Seeing that these six young people were silent, the middle-aged man sighed and said, "Hey, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person. Why do you have such vigilance at such a young age? Right!"

  "But you don't know that there are two very powerful zombies nearby, which are particularly active at night. You follow me to our place so that we can take care of each other."

  Bai Yayi said in confusion: "Uncle, How do you know we are going to City A?"

  The middle-aged uncle smiled and said, "This road is the only way to go to City A. To tell you the truth, we are also going to City A, and we have a lot of things to think about here. Collect some supplies and take them on the road to eat."

  Another young man got out of the co-pilot of the truck. He looked this way and walked over, "Dad, are you guys done talking? Come on, we've been delayed for a long time."

  The middle-aged uncle nodded, "Okay, let's go now."

  He turned to Xu Ziyuan and his group and said, "We are all survivors, so we should unite to fight against the zombies. This is not the place to talk. I'm driving ahead. You guys Just follow."

  After saying that, he returned to the truck with the young man, started the car and left first.

  Liao Xiaoyu scratched his head and asked: "Brother Ziyuan, Brother Wenke, do we want to follow?"

  Xu Ziyuan thought for a while and said, "Follow and have a look."

  There is a lot of supplies in the city center here, and there are indeed a lot of zombies. The uncle just said that there are two very powerful zombies nearby, it must not be false.

  Moreover, they are all Level 2 superpowers, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Chen Wenke was thinking the same thing. They had no supplies with them and had nothing worth plotting.

  On the contrary, their truck seemed to contain a lot of supplies.

  Once the other party has an idea that is not good for them, they will kill them all. It may not be who is the unlucky one in the end.

  They followed the truck in front of them and quickly left the city center and turned into a sparsely populated alley.

  Stopped in front of a closed hotel.

  The hotel is a privately built two-story building.

  The people upstairs heard the noise and hurried to open the door.

  The door was opened by a young girl. She looked excitedly at the truck compartment, "Uncle Ming, you have got the supplies!" The

  middle-aged man, Uncle Ming, nodded, "I got it! Ask everyone to come down and move."

  "Eh. , Okay."

  The girl took out a red cloth strip from her pocket and waved it in the air, and a dozen people immediately came down from upstairs.

  There are men and women, old and young.

  Everyone moved lightly and neatly, and quickly moved all the supplies upstairs.

  Uncle Ming looked at it happily for a while, then called Xu Ziyuan and the others who came with him: "Let's go into the house together."

  In addition to Uncle Ming, there were three men in the truck. One was the young man named Uncle Ming's father. Li Xiang, the other two are middle-aged uncles about the same age as Uncle Ming.

  Bai Chacha looked at the energy map.

  Among the dozen or so people, only the girl who opened the door was a superpower, the others were ordinary people.

  The four people who went out to collect supplies were all superpowers. Uncle Ming, like them, was a level two superpower, and the rest were still level one.

  The dozen or so people were not surprised or objected when they saw them. At first glance, they were all led by Uncle Ming.

  The first floor is a bar and seating area.

  The girl was already leading the others upstairs.

  The four of Uncle Ming and the six of Xu Ziyuan sat down in the rest area.

  Both parties first briefly introduced themselves.

  The six of them also had a preliminary understanding of people like Uncle Ming.

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