Chapter 8

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Trigger Warning: Slight mention of selfharm.

Arabella pov:

I am in the changing room right now, everybody starts changing but me. I grab the uniform from my bag and make my way over to the toilette. I open the door, step inside and lock the door.

I am so glad that we don't have to wear shorts first of all it's uncomfortable and I couldn't risk someone seeing the scars on my thighs. That's also why I am changing here right now, instead of changing in the room with all the other girls. I only ever hurt myself when everything gets too much and too overwhelming. I know it is bad and I shouldn't do it, but sometimes I just can't help it. It is like a drug.

I change into my sports uniform and walk out of the changing room, to the gym. I see that most of the students are already here, waiting for the teacher to come and start the lesson. Some students look like they would be rather anywhere else than here. I understand you. I look around and see Nico standing besides Noah, I decide to walk over to them and on my way I can see Brithany and her friends in the cornor of my eye. They glare at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now. I gulp.

I haven't listend to them. Of course they are mad. But Helios and the others said I don't have to worry. What if they lied? Or what if Brithany just don't cares.

When I reach Nico and Noah, I shake my head slightly and snap out of my thoughts.

"Hey love." Nico says.

"Hey Bella." Noah says using a nickname he came up with. He is really nice, we talked a little and got to know each other more and I can see why Nico is interested in him. He is charming and caring. They deserve each other.

"Hi." I tell them quietly.

Then we strid towards the bleachers and sit down. Just some seconds later, Dimitri sits down next to me, followed by the others sitting also down.

Before he or the others can say something, the Coach walks in and apologizes for being late.

I don't think anybody was botherd by the fact that we missed some minutes of PE. Okay maybe all the jocks cared.

"So today, we're going to do a little warm up first. Stretching and then jogging a few laps. After that we will play basketball and before anyone says something, no you won't choose your teams. I will do that, but we will come to that later. Now stand up and begin stretching." He says.

We all stand up and follow his instructions.

After 15 minutes of the warm up, coach makes teams of 5.

In my team are Noah, Emiliano and two other classmates, who I only know by sight, Sarah and Chad.

Then we begin to play against the first team with Nico and other students.

I try my best, but I am just too short and unmotivated for basketball. So I give up. But at the end game of the game it was clear that Noah and Emiliano are really good at basketball.

Nico on the other hand looks more like me, a little bit clumsy and having no plan on what to do.

A few times during the game Chad smiled me at me or grinned at me? I don't know.

We played agianst a few more teams and we won 3 times and lost only one time. Or should I say Emiliano and Noah and also Chad won. Me and Sarah just stood or walked around. The only good thing with PE is that you don't have to talk so much.

Now we have to play against the last team with Brithany amd she again glares at me everytime or eyes conect.

I take one deep breath.

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