Chapter 23

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I stayed in class for the whole hour, just for her.

As soon as it was over I was out of there.

I needed a plan.

I left school as fast as I could, kicking myself on how I could be so stupid.

I didn't mean to run into her, it was a complete accident!

It wasn't my intention to hurt her!

That accident was the best thing to ever happen to me, I realised as I saw her beautiful face for the first time.

She was like an angel.

No, she was one.

Her skin glowed, her hair shone, and she had little freckles dotted across her face.

She was perfect.

When I made eye contact, I couldn't look away.

Her eyes were so green, like that amazing emerald type of green.

She even had dimples!

When I realised she was speaking to me I quickly broke out of my trance.

Looking back on our conversation, I regret everything I said. I didn't mean to say anything rude back to her, but I didn't know how else to get her to stay and continue talking to me.

Why else would she talk to me?

I needed to say something that would make her continue our conversation.

Typically I had girls swooning over me so I never really had to initiate the talking.

Plus, whenever I did I always had my shield of confidence.

That seemed to disappear today around her.

I'd never been in a situation where I wanted to talk to a girl, until today.

How has this girl made me, a mafia heir loose his confidence?

Me loosing my confidence today was unheard of and also scary.

I had never once pouted for not getting my way in my life!

As my driver took me home I couldn't get this girl out of my head.


God, even her name was perfect!

Her name literally meant beautiful, fair and kind.

All that was going through my head was the hurt expression she had on her face when she explained to me why I couldn't sign her cast.

I'm so mad at myself for hurting her feelings.


I really, really wanted to sign her cast!

That way we could've become friends, maybe even something more.

As soon as Paul was at the top of my driveway I thanked him before sprinting inside.

"DAD" I screamed trying to find him in our big ass house.

I got no reply so I continued screaming as I ran upstairs.


I heard their footsteps running down the corridor, so I followed the sound.

As I ran around the corner, we almost bumped into each other.

My mother had a scared look on her face as she checked me over.

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