my first (on purpose) accident

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Hello lovelies! I bring you a story this time <3

Back when I was about 11, I had been invited to a popular girl's sleepover. She was fairly well liked, as her family was quite wealthy. If I remember correctly, her mother was a dentist, and her father a lawyer. I'll call her Alicia.

Anyways, I was not yet used to hanging out with other kids. Most of the time, I was the type to stay home and read. However, Alicia's birthday was coming up. I must have been well liked, because she invited me to her party, and since she was popular, and we were soon going to be middle schoolers (this was near the end of 6th grade.), I decided to go.

So, the day of her party, I got my bags all packed for the sleepover. Then, since her sleepover was after school me and the other girls attending rode her bus home.

her house was /huge/. This made me a bit wary, since I have, and still do live in smaller homes. However, her parents were quite inviting so I wasn't that nervous.

It was your standard elementary party, and we were all talking about how we were excited for 7th grade to be official middle schoolers. (My school had 6th grade lumped in with the elementary school. I do not know why.)

anyways, eventually it was late at night, and most of the other girls were asleep.

I've always been a bit of an insomniac, and I've also been quite shy my whole life, and I had no clue where Alicia's bathroom was. I didn't want to be disrespectful and wake up her parents to ask, so I was just laying there. (also not to mention, I had undiagnosed Narcolepsy so I was far too tired to get up.

I hate the texture of hardwood, but Alicia had hardwood floors, so I was in my sleeping bag with several pillows and blankets to hide the texture. (of course though, since it was near the end of the school year and in the summer season, I was very sweaty.)

I don't know what crossed my mind, but I crawled out of my sleeping bag and pulled one of my blankets out. I folded it up neatly and peed my pants. it was a surprising amount, so my pants and blanket was soaked. none of it got on my sheets.

being that I just had an accident on purpose, I was suddenly running in a  whole lot of adrenaline. I took off my undergarments and pants, and I put on my daytime pants. I hid my wet stuff in my bag.

I imagine the room must've smelled like urine. I still am a tad embarrassed to this day, since I feel like just getting up would've been easier. But I did get a good sleep out of it so that's nice.

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