Excited Kid

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It was proving to be a long day. Frank, a 43 year old man was sitting inside a mall wearing a Santa Clause costume while family's eagerly waited to get a photo with him.

"How did I end up being Santa Clause in a mall at my age?" He asked himself

Admittedly, he was perfect for the role. He was a moderately large guy with a tummy that looked like Saint Nicks himself. His beard already contained many grey hairs which only enhanced his similarities to the jolly ol fellow. It was rather embarrassing how quickly he was hired. Apparently he was "the perfect person for the role". Despite the backhanded compliment he decided to take the job. He lived alone and needed the money, plus he might as well try and give some Christmas spirit while he was at it.

Yet, he couldn't help but feel bored. It was just one little boy after another saying the same stuff that they wanted for Christmas while Frank sat patiently in a large leather chair. Not to mention the mucho burrito and large drink he had for lunch were not sitting well in the big guys stomach. He was eagerly awaiting his next break.

"Come on Daddy! I wanna see Santa" a little boy called out drawing Frank back to reality

Looking over he saw the next kid he would be talking to. Approaching him was a father and son. The dad was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and jeans while the son wore his own ugly sweater and khaki pants. The father had a dad bod, his face had a nice jawline that accentuated his black beard which contained little grey hairs showing his age. Frank blushed, the dad must be in his late 30s, hopefully he was single. As for his son who was eagerly coming close, Frank guessed by his height and stature he was around 8 years old.

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