🐺Imprints and the Pack🐺

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How Emilia meets the imprints and how the pack meets their imprints. Some meet their imprints on the beach and some meet their imprints at school.

Sam and Niska were already dating when they phased and imprinted on one another when Emilia met Sam and Niska in the woods when she was walking around the woods.

Paul and Jared met their imprints on the beach their imprints were already best mates as one was like Paul a hothead and the other was a goofball like Jared.

Emilia met them in the woods also alongside Sam and Niska and met all four again when she came to the pack house to see everyone whilst there were no new wolf pack members.

Jacob imprints on Paul's half-sister Grace who is also a female wolf shifter when he first phases and she and he both find their feet in the pack together.

Quil imprints on Leah's imprints baby sister when he phases and they meet on the beach. Leah imprints on a lad on the beach and meets his baby sister whom he has custody of.

Seth imprints on Bree Tanner on the day of his dad's death and Emilia was there at the funeral and supported everyone that day she made Sue, Leah, and Seth a mural of Harry Clearwater to gift to them.

Brady and Colin both imprint on two girls at school who are sisters and bring them to the pack house where everyone including Emilia meets them and they all get along together.

Jasper gets a new mate called Lilly Potter who is a seer but is less eccentric and more powerful than Alice. They meet sometime during the months the Cullens leave.

Charlie gets a love interest in Cora the diner waitress and she and he live together but are not yet married❤️

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