29 | O H MY...

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Back at the Cullen's home, the coven had decided that it was best to involve Aro and Marucs with the news of Jace and that Alice had been aware of this vampire and yet chose to withhold this information from everyone

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Back at the Cullen's home, the coven had decided that it was best to involve Aro and Marucs with the news of Jace and that Alice had been aware of this vampire and yet chose to withhold this information from everyone. They had assumed the two Kings would tell Caius once he was back from his time with his mate.

"Ridiculous." Aro scoffs glaring at the pixie vampire "Do you understand what could have happened, what still could happen." He asks, his voice cold and filled with steel.

"What?" Alice whispers, her voice wavering as she tries to not flinch from the intense glares the two kings were giving her. "I thought....if I told you want he wanted then...we could give him..."

"Give him Renee?" Edward finishes her sentence in disbelief, "And let him get away with all that he has done."

It was bizarre, that a girl whom he had considered, a friend, a sister, his family for countless of years could change into a stranger.

With his mind still blocked from seeing her thoughts.He couldn't understand what triggered her behavior. Celeste? Bella? Him ending things with Bella. He couldn't tell and as the days went by the more he was worrying for Jasper and how he was dealing with his wife's sudden change.

"Did you know the pack kicked Paul out when they heard what Jace had made him say?" Edward screams out in frustration, his hands covering his face. "He was trying to ruin their imprint bond, do you have any idea how much that would hurt Celeste, the whole pack?


"Why should he get his mate back?" Rosalie speaks up crossing her arms over her chest, "For all we know he could have been the one who was making Renee treat Celeste so badly, she did walk in on them."

"Let me make this clear. Renee will not be released. Jace, Victoria and Isabella once she is found will all be punished for their involvement....and so will you." Aro firmly states, his eyes filled with furious and rage.

"Jasper?" Alice whispers out to her mate in fear, she had heard the rumours about the Voltari's punishments and knew she wouldn't survive. "Please. You're my husband. Please." She slightly begs ignoring the growls from Rosealie.

"Husband?" Jasper snorts, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion "Quite funny how you only call out my name when you're in trouble. I'm not your husband, not anymore." He spits out leaning against a window.


"But nothing." Jasper shakes his head with a frown "You are not the person I married, you've been treated Celeste terrible, causing arguments between the whole family and now you only need my help because you have to face the consequences of your actions."

His words in the air, casting a heavy silence over the room as they all proceed the depth of what his words meant. However, the quietness didn't last long, shattered by a knock at the door with a familiar scent lingering.

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