- ̗̀✎ Drunk Cooking.

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Y/n's POV:

I didn't remember anything from last night. It was all a blur. I just remembered dancing with Tara, and then suddenly everything just disappeared.

I wiped my eyes and moved my hair from my face. Lifting myself off my bed, I looked around, and my room had two sets of clothes on the floor. I looked at my body to see myself in dark green pleaded pajama pants and a black tank top.


I got up from my bed, immediately being hit with a headache so bad I had to take a minute.

I sat, holding my head and closing my eyes. Once I felt it fade, I stood up and headed downstairs.

As I went, I heard talking and clashing of metal. I peeked to see Johnnie and Jake. Jake was doing dishes as Johnnie sat at the island.

I walked out, making my way to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Johnnie looked back, a smile forming on his face when he met eyes with mine.

I stopped next to him, giving him a hug and kissing his forehead. He smiled sweetly, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

I walked to the fridge, grabbing water.

I took sips, my headache kicking every time I put my head back slightly.

I sat down next to Johnnie.

Y/n: "Am I the only one hung over?"

Jake: "Nope, which is why we are getting drunk again."

Y/n: "Sorry?"

Johnnie: "Jake wants to do drunk cooking."

Y/n: "Fun. What all are we doing, just cooking?"

Jake: "No idiot. We are streaming, and we are gonna do stuff that donations say."

Y/n: "More fun. When?"

Johnnie: "Now."

Y/n: "Good, my hangover is terrible right now."

Jake went to a bag set on the counter, taking out multiple bottles of beer. He handed one to us, opening his own. I opened mine, taking a quick drink.

The bitter taste touching my tongue made me furrow my brows. I continued to chug the beer, pain hitting my head as it tossed back. Once finished, Jake handed me another beer. I did the same to that as my headache slowly faded away as time passed.

Once we all were somewhat drunk, Jake set up his camera.

He set everything up, Johnnie and I waiting while talking.

Y/n: "Where's Tara?"

Johnnie: "She left a while ago. She's hanging out with Avani and some other people."

I nodded.

Johnnie: "So, what happened with Josiah?"

I paused and looked at him.

Y/n: "Josiah?"

Johnnie: "I saw you give him your number. Did he text anything?"

It hit me.

Josiah and Cameron last night.

Y/n: "I haven't checked my phone yet."

He nodded.

Jake: "Hey, yall."

Jake said in his mom voice while tucking his hair behind his ear. Johnnie and I stood up, walking next to him.

I looked at the screen, seeing people flood in with chats and emojis.

Jake: "Johnnie and Y/n are here."

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