Chapter 34: Swear Not By The Moon

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This chapter is brought to you by 光年之外 <<Passengers>> by G.E.M. 


It wasn't every day that the Calypto Estate would have nightly visitors wandering through the groves toward the kinsmen wing. 

There were two visitors, to be exact--both unaware of each other's presence as they had come from different directions of the grove. 

Raven and Robin were patrolling when they saw the two visitors. 

Monttevi blue shirts and ash-brown hair... 

"Do we attack?" Robin asked. 

"No," Raven responded, having guessed where the two were heading.  

One was making his way to the garden while another... was trying to climb up Lady Jovette's balcony. 

He sighed. 

"Observe for now."

Lord Calypto will not be happy, but his daughter and nephew are ten times scarier than him.

Raven had already made his choice on who to obey if a coup were to ever happen.  


Jovette had just finished changing into her sleepwear when she noticed a shadow on the wall across from her balcony. 

There was a figure climbing up her balcony. 


Jovette grabbed a dagger from her dresser and hid behind the curtain of her bed. 

"My Lady--agh!" 

Her dagger went flying, soaring through the air so fast it nearly pierced its target through the head. 

Jovette grabbed another dagger--


She stopped. 


"I'm just here to return the cat, please don't kill me!" 

Jovette set her dagger down. 

The person had ducked just in time. 

Her face twisted with confusion.

What kind of stupid imbecile thought coming into the Calypto Estate in the middle of the night would be a good idea? And what cat? 

"My Lady?" 

She met Monttevi blue eyes in astonishment. 


Rowan rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. The cut she made on his cheek started to gush blood.


He was interrupted by a loud purr. 

Jovette looked down and saw a cat. 

Not just any cat, but one of Tobus' cat. 


"Is that her name?" Rowan looked bewildered.

Fish meowed the moment her name was called. 


Jovette snorted. 

"Was that all?" 


She flashed a teasing smirk and crossed her arms. 

"And here I thought you were a nightly visitor coming to visit my abode to declare your undying love."

It took a few seconds before Rowan understood what she was saying. 

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