A.L. Blaze | Return of the Youngest Auclair

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Story: Return of the Youngest Auclair

Chapters Read: 9

Cover and Title (9/10):I love the cover as a whole as it actually looks like a professionally made cover which I would definitely pick up if I were to see it in a book stall. The title is quite intriguing and mysterious as the title alone fills the readers with curiosity to pick up the book and give it a read.

Blurb (8/10):
The blurb is simply perfect being short, concise, and filling up all the details while not giving out too much. The blurb alone piqued my interest to find out more about Cameron and that mysterious childhood friend and how his dad died. Overall, good job!

Character Description (10/10):I must say that this is going to be one of the best books revolving around mafia I've stumbled upon this platform. Cameron really intrigued me right from the beginning and throughout the chapters, I couldn't help but sympathize with his character. I really was surprised at how Cameron's dad reacted knowing that he's gay because in most books we read and as accurately mentioned in your book, being gay isn't something quite welcomed in the underground world but I was quite surprised to see how chill Cameron's dad was on knowing bout his son and his sexuality and also taking the measures to send him to a safe place for the time being. Aidan's character and Cameron's brothers all were amazing and I really loved their portrayal throughout the pages.

Plot and Writing Style (9/10):
I must say that the writing style is an important key to why I enjoyed reading this book. It was more like I was watching a movie and I enjoyed reading till the 9th chapter and I hope to read more. The only defect that I stumbled upon would be the numbers where I would suggest putting it in words rather than typing it in numbers itself.

Grammar (8/10):Regarding grammar, I did stumble upon a few grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes but a grammar checker can help solve the above issue.Overall, the story is one that has great potential to pique the interest of the readers and with a small change to the grammar and above mentioned problems, it's simply going to shine!

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