Chapter 8

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"You sneaky little piece of shit! What are you doing here, so you think you can get away from me?" She screamed at me angrily. I stood there looking at her with a shocked expression.

"I'm talking to you and You're just standing there, are you crazy!" She barked making me jerk. How did she manage to find me here, I never told anyone where I was going, so how exactly did she manage to find me. Don't tell me this old woman put a tracking device on me, cause she always found me no matter where hid, I thought to myself.

"H-how d-did you manage to find me here" I stuttered breathlessly with emotion knotting in my stomach.

She walked closer to me and gave me a hard slap on my cheek. Not again with the slaps.

I found myself backing away slowly as I blinked away the hot moisture that clouded my eyes.

"How dare you ask me that stupid question Ayla, you had one job, just one job, which was to quietly fulfill your duties as the maid, but what did you do? You went ahead to seduce your owner, why are you such a slut Ayla?"

"I'm not a slut!" I cried out angrily with tears sliding down my pale cheek and she scoffed.

"If you're not a slut then what are you? A home wrecker? How then do you explain always causing trouble at every house you work in? I see you are just like your mother, how else do you explain these slutty behavior"

I was breathless with anger and rage, I met her eyes with an angry expression and spoke as defiantly as I could.
"Don't you fucking bring my mother into this!" I screamed at her, she gazed at me baffled, she took few steps closer to me.

"You poor thing, I wouldn't blame you cause you know nothing about your pathetic mother!" She spat.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked puzzled and she smirked.

"Have you ever wondered how and why your mother died?"

"What are you saying, of course she died in an accident" I said and she leaned in closer to me and whispered into my ears.
"Awwn you really know nothing, I guess you were very little then. Well your pathetic mother died in an accident on her way to see her secret lover who was also married" she said and smirked as she pulled back a little. I shaked my head frantically.

"Y-you're lying! Stop lying to me, I know that's not true. My mother loved my dad so much and he loved her just as much!" I voiced out and she bursted out laughing. Everything about her seems so evil including her laughter. Her evil laughter died down and was replaced by her evil look.

"Think whatever you want child, I have no time to argue with a foolish girl like you cause time is money. And speaking of money, thanks to you I had to refund Mr David part of his payment and now you will have to make up for it. Which is why I have arranged another owner for you, and this time, I don't need any other mistakes from you, do you understand me?" She said, but it sounded more like a threat.

"No" I spoke in barely a whisper with my eyes looking down at the marble floor.
"What was that?" She said lowly, I wiped away my tears hastily and met her gaze with a determined look.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" I said as defiantly as I could and she chuckled.

"I see you've grown some wings now huh, but I won't hesitate to clip them, now come here!" she said angrily and grabbed my hair forcefully.

I quickly tried to pull my hair away from her grip, but her grip was very strong and my hair scalp was already on fire. How is this old witch this strong, I thought to myself.

As we were both struggling, Patricia and two other staffs came out and tried to separate us, but the witch just doesn't want to let go of my hair.

"Please ma let her go, you're hurting her" Patricia pleaded with her.

"No way! I'm her stepmother and she is my responsibility so you have no right to interrupt, cause this is none of your business" Okay how the fuck is no one able to get her to let go of my hair atleast. I ask again, how is this witch so strong.

"Madam please let her go" I heard a soft voice that seem to belong to the girl I met earlier, oh what was her name again. I tried to recall, but I was clearly not thinking straight. Wait why am I thinking about that under this excruciating condition that I found myself in, can someone please just get her to let go of my beautiful hair.

"I am not letting her go cause she is coming with me this instant!" She barked.

"No she is not" I heard the deep and calm voice of Mr Dante. My stepmother turned around swiftly.

She let go of my hair immediately she saw him, finally. He was on a black charcoal suit with his right hand tucked into his pocket. The staffs rushed back to their duties except Patricia, who gave me a side hug with an unhappy expression. She stroked my hair that now looked like a bird's nest.

"Oh my, Mr Damien Dante, I-i didn't expect you to be around by this time, I thought you would be at work already" he ignored her and walked over to me. He roamed his eyes around my body and he scrutinized my face closely, I blinked severally avoiding his gaze.

"Are you okay?" He asked huskily with furrowed brows.

"Y-yes sir" he nodded and went over to my stepmother.

"Why are you here?" He asked, his voice steely quiet.

"Oh Mr Dante, I came for my child Ayla, I've been looking for her for almost two days now...."

"And how did you find her?" He asked rudely interrupting her.
"Well I went over to the hospital and the nurse said that she was already discharged, and that she left with you, so I came over to take her back home."
"Well I'm afraid you'd have to go back home alone, cause she works for me now" he stated dangerously.

"W-what! How is that possible sir? You definitely cannot implore someone like her" she said angrily and he glared at her.

"You are in no position to tell me whom to employ Mrs Juliet" he said in a low dangerous tone. Okay wait I think I'm missing something here, how exactly does he know my stepmother.

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