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A very quiet thirty minute drive later, Logan's putting his car into park in front of my house. I don't see any of
my roommate's cars, thank god.

"Uhm, thank you again," I slowly undo my seatbelt.

"Kenz, I meant it when I said wasn't who you think I am anymore." He says as our eyes meet.

"I know and that makes this all so much more confusing," I sigh pushing my fingers through my hair.

And damn it I like him too.

We didn't talk for a few weeks and all I could think about was how sweet he was that night at the bar. I thought about texting him to grab lunch or something. I don't know, I just wanted to see him again.

"I'll uhm," I look down at his clothes that I'm wearing, "Wash these and bring them back to you."

"Don't worry about it," he shakes his head. One of his hands is rested on the gear shift picking at the worn down fabric. We're sitting in the same old Honda he's had since high school, and the car has definitely seen better days.

I put my hand on his to stop him from picking at the threads, "Thank you," I give his hand a squeeze.

"I owe you, big time." Fuck it. I lean over and kiss his cheek.

Before I can turn to grab my purse from the floor Logan's hand comes to my face and his lips meet mine.

"A second chance," he says pulling away. "Please."

I just stare at him, I want to say yes but I also don't.

"You don't give me an answer now, take a few days to think then call me," his hands find mind, "Go eat something and rest for now."

'I say give him a second chance', Macey's voice echos in my head.

"I'll call you later," I give him a small
nod as I pull my hands away before grabbing my stuff from the floor and going inside.



Four hours later, I'm waking up in my own bed. After Logan dropped me off, I made it into my room without running into any of the girls and I won't lie. I cried for a bit then fell asleep.

It's weird having a big portion of my life that just happened less then twenty-four hours ago be a big blank in my head. Will I ever remember last night?

I sit up in bed and look at myself in the mirror that's attached to my dresser and directly in front of from my bed. I take a deep breath. There's nothing more I can do, I just need to keep moving forward.

My stomach makes a rumbling noise and I look down at it then finally get up, sliding on my slippers. I slowly open my door and wait for a second, listening.

I do not want to talk to any of the girls. They're going to ask me about last night and I can't retell it right now.

But I don't hear any of them so I step back into my room and grab my purse.

I quickly make my way out to my car. I just want to go on a drive, and get food.

So that's exactly what I do, I head to my favorite fast food place, Taco Bell. But of course while I'm in line the last person I want to talk to starts calling me.

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