Chapter 5: Sarah's Possession

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In a chilling turn of events, Aurabelle's ghost seizes control of Sarah's body, plunging her soul into darkness. Lily and Ethan rally together, determined to free their companion from the strange forces around Sarah. Her eyes remain pitch black. No life in them whatsoever. Desperate to protect their friend, Ethan holds onto Sarah. 

"Help me lift her up! We have to get her out of here." Ethan calls out.

Lily, with tears in her eyes, grabs onto Sarah's legs while Ethan grabs her from underneath her arms. "1...2...3" The two lift her up with a grunt. Sarah's mouth opens, releasing a strange whispering sound. The sounds came out without her mouth moving. The closer they got to the door, the louder these whispers became. Almost gurgling strange words Ethan nor Lisa could understand. 

When the two open up the front door, the two accidentally fall down the stairs with Sarah in their arms. Full of pain, the two struggle to pick up their friend yet again until they cross the street and get away from the house.

Breathing heavily, Lily gently sets her friend down. "Sarah!" She pats her face over and over.

 Sarah's eyes close along with her mouth. No more black eyes.

Ethan is panting, having a hard time catching his breath. Lily checks her bag for water and then hands it to Ethan. 

"Come on, Sarah," Lily pleads. "Wake up."

Lily doesn't wake up. She lays still. 


Ethan and Lily look at each other. "What do we do? Is she okay?" Lily panics.

Ethan shakes his head. "I don't know

Ethan and Lily find themselves in a perplexing situation as they accompany their dear friend Sarah back to her home. Without their knowledge, Sarah has fallen victim to a haunting presence that has taken possession of her body.

Knowing Sarah's foster parents work until the night, the two set foot inside her house, a sense of unease settles upon them, but they dismiss it and get her to her room. Ethan exudes a calm demeanor even in the face of the unknown. "Everything's going to be okay," he says after laying Sarah on her bed. "She's breathing."

"I don't know," Lily says while looking at her. "Something's not right. Shouldn't we get her to a hospital or something? You saw the way she was!"

Ethan looks around then back at Lily with raised hands. "What do we do? Take her to the hospital and tell them what exactly. Plus, her parents would be really mad. They're like the most strict people I know. They'll yell at us. You remember last time when they chased us away because they heard me say "damn."

Lily, on the other hand, is a spirited and empathetic individual, always attuned to the emotions of those around her. "I know. This just seems...I just feel like..." Lily pinches the skin on her nose. "Something is not right. That was creepy! I saw something in that house. We saw her eyes, Ethan!"

The lights in the room start to flicker on and off.

As they navigate Sarah's room, strange occurrences begin to unfold.  Whispers echo through the hallways, and a bone-chilling coldness fills the air. Ethan's mind senses that something is amiss, while Lily's empathetic nature detects the deep anguish hidden within Sarah's possessed body. Unaware of the supernatural force at play, they try to comfort and guide Sarah, hoping to bring her solace and safety. Little do they know, their attempts only draw them deeper into the clutches of the malevolent entity. Undeterred, Ethan and Lily remain steadfast in their determination to protect their friend, unaware of the dangers they will soon face. 

"Maybe we should just...let her sleep and check in tomorrow?" Lily suggests. "I'm just not sure what to do. I don't want to get Sarah in trouble." She points to Sarah's chest. "She's breathing. So she's okay."

"Should we check her eyes?" Ethan asks.

Lily nods.

The two gently lift up her eyelids. Her eye is their normal color.

Lily shook her head and then sat at the end of Sarah's bed while placing a hand on her ankle. "I can't believe we thought this was a good idea. How could none of us realize the danger we were putting ourselves in? Sarah might be possessed, and we don't even know what we're up against!"

 Ethan sat beside her. "I understand your concern, but we can't just abandon Sarah in her time of need. She's our friend, and she needs our support. Besides, it might not be as dangerous as you think. We could find a way to help her, to break whatever hold the spirit has on her. We can get answers, Lily."

"This is a haunted house we're talking about! We have no idea what we're dealing with. It's not just about Sarah; it's about our safety too. What if whatever is haunting this place targets us? We could end up trapped or worse!"

Ethan places a hand on Lily's shoulder. "We can research and equip ourselves with knowledge about the supernatural. Come on, I'm experienced. I learned from my old man. We'll be cautious and stick together. And remember, we're not alone—there are others who have successfully dealt with hauntings before."

Lily buries her face in her hands, on the bridge of tears.

"I understand your point, Lily, and I care about Sarah too. We made a mistake and rushed into an abandoned and possibly haunted house without proper knowledge or assistance. We need to prioritize our safety and find a more responsible way to help her without getting Sarah in trouble." Ethan looks at Sarah's face. "She's already been having a tough time with her foster parents. I know about it. How they barely even want her. This could really set things off for her at home if we tell. Sometimes, true friendship means taking risks and facing the unknown together. We can be cautious, stay vigilant, and rely on each other for support. Let's trust our instincts and do everything we can to help Sarah.

Lily wipes away a tear before Ethan could see. "Okay. Alright. Whatever challenges come our way. We won't leave anyone behind."

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