Chapter 09: Music, Blood, and Birth Control

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"Has hitting something ever fixed it?" asked Van as she aggressively shakes and taps the walkman she was holding.

After everyone had their fill of eating some meat from the deer that Natalie and Travis caught earlier, the girls were once again so full of energy that they decided to party and do a little choreography. The problem was that the walkman's battery that they were using ran out before the music even ended, which was, of course, a huge bummer.

"Maybe try blowing on it?" Mari suggested, which the red-haired woman did next without hesitation.

Suddenly, they heard a loud creak coming from the attic that made everybody look up. If she were honest, Agami would say it was really creepy because that sounded like someone was taking a nice evening walk in the attic and not just random things falling on its wooden floor or small animals playing in their cabin's loft.

"Hell nah. I'm out of here," said Agami, her voice appearing to be so done about everything, then shoving Misty to the side as she made her way towards the door to exit the cabin.

She can hear everyone talking about it, but she's not in the mood to participate. She had a really long day, and the last thing she needs at the moment are ghosts or any creepy shenanigans. Laura Lee was even calling her name, but Agami just raised both of her hands and shook her head, ignoring the woman, and walked straight to the porch.

The night was still young. But being stuck in the middle of nowhere, in the wilds far from civilization, will make you feel like you were sent to a different world once the sun disappeared and the darkness took over the sky. That if you dare explore the night woods filled with nothing but giant trees and unknown predators, death will be waiting for you, as the moon wouldn't even be there to guide you.

Agami heard light footsteps coming from her side, and when she checked to see who it was, her upper lip curled up a little as a gesture of greeting, knowing that there's no need to be hostile towards the person.

"You're not going to rest?" Agami asked in a gentle voice.

"I'm not yet sleepy," Javi replied shyly. He then extended his hand in front of Agami, scratching behind his ear, as he handed her something that she didn't even notice he was holding at first because of the lack of light. "Can you play something?" he asked Agami nicely.

She took the flute from Javi's hand gently, not wanting to do any damage to it or even scratch the wooden instrument that Goldman kept with so much care.

"Yeah, I guess," she responded to the young man.

Agami completely forgot about the existence of the flute because of the weird things that were happening to her. With Javi bringing it to her, she was reminded of why she even took it in the first place. Maybe it could help her ease her mind for the night.

She took a long and deep breath, closed both her eyes, and raised the flute all through her lips. Without wasting a second, Agami then started to blow air into the blowhole of the instrument. Her fingers danced over the holes smoothly, which helped her create the perfect notes that flowed out from the flute. The soothing melody that Agami produces as she continues to play envelopes the whole area. She even felt a warm breeze touch her skin, as if the wilderness were answering her serenade, and it gave her a sense of peace that she hadn't felt in days.

The music echoed in the woods for minutes, and even she couldn't tell how many times she repeatedly played the same melody over time. But one thing's for sure. Anyone who will hear it will never get tired of listening to it, as if it's just comparable to breathing if the melodious tunes that Agami makes with the flute will forever be set on repeat. But to end it, she slowly tunes down the loudness by blowing less air on the last repeat until the sound completely fades.

Yellowjackets: The Broken VictorsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz