Chapter Three

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We've been driving for two whole hours in silence.

During the drive Zade tried little gestures like trying to hold my hand or thigh, but I pushed him away every time.

Besides that, I knew where we were going. Zade was taking me to the location of the portal to enter our world. Our hidden realm.

I stared out of the window the entire trip, scared to even sleep. I couldn't. Not when he was so close. He could do anything while I'm asleep. I wasn't risking it.

After another hour of driving he decided to break the silence. He cleared his throat. "Esra,"

I ignored him.

"Esra, how long are you going to be angry with me?" Before he could grab my hand, I swattered his hand away and remained silent.

"Esra, please talk to me."

My throat bobbed. "You want me to talk to you?" I whispered, the words soft and slow with a fake smile on my face. "You want me to talk to you? You know what you did and you still have the audacity to act as if nothing happened." I didn't raise my voice, but it grew a little louder than a whisperer now.


"No. Zade Kratos, you are a thick-headed stupid moron. You went around sleeping with other she-wolves, then on my birthday I found you kissing my best friend, and after we found out that we were mates you still went and slept with other she-wolves and you never ever marked me. Now you come after five years and kidnap me from my home, my family and my friends for what? So you can repossess me? I hate you, Zade Kratos." By the time I finished, I was shouting. I shifted in my seat and looked away from him and I earned a chuckle from him by doing so.

His silence made me want to look at him again. And I did. But what I saw infuriated me more. He had a smirk plastered onto his face. The audacity of that idiot.

"Firstly, you're my mate. Secondly, this is not your home. And you're mine Esra Argent." He stated while staring straight at the road. "Mine."

"Then why? Why did you cheat on me?"

He remained silent once again. This time there was no smirk.

"Exactly what I thought." I turned and faced the window once again. We remained like that for the rest of the journey. After a while, my head began to spin from staring at everything moving so quickly out the window so I was forced to look anywhere but outside.

When we reached the clearing, we stopped. "We're here." Zade informed me while my eyes we're dropping.

Don't sleep. Don't sleep. Don't sleep.

"I can see that." Zade sighed and rubbed his face.

The three brown wolves appeared from behind the car and made their way to the middle of the clearing where a big, brown circle stood. The portal.

The closet Zade and I got the it, the brighter it shimmered, as if it called to us. As if it screamed home. But not my home.

The stranger that grabbed me from the tree was nowhere to be seen. Zade drove into the portal as the three wolves walked behind us.

A wave of dizziness washed through me as everything whirled around me. But it passed through after a few seconds.

On the other side of the portal was another clearing. The clearing in our world. We were surrounded by millions of trees. If I remembered correctly, we were in the Darkwood forest.

But there was something different. There was a pathway. Zade took that pathway as we exited the forest.

My eyes widened when I noticed Zade almost... glowing. He looked older and powerful and. I had to admit, he looked hot.

Bound To The Alpha [EDITING] (#1 New Moon) Where stories live. Discover now