Chapter 5

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What the hell was Ivy doing here?

The second she slammed the door behind her, I raked my hands through my hair and scowled at the roof of my vehicle. I thought luck was on my side when my father hadn't come by the ranch. I had no idea Ivy would be staying here without Blaine. Of course, I knew she'd probably be working at the resort for the summer. But her staying at the ranch was something my father and Blaine clearly forgot to mention.

Great. This was just fan-fucking- tastic.

I knew once I came back to Moose Creek, chances were, I would see Ivy again. But I figured one of two things would happen when I saw her. Either she would spit on me, knowing full well I deserved it for what I did to her. Or she would give me one pleading look into her big green eyes, letting me know she somehow managed to forgive me. But now that neither of those things happened. What the fuck was I supposed to think?

I thumped my forehead against the steering wheel and pushed out a ragged breath. It was my first night back in Moose Creek, and I'd already been confronted by my past. I just couldn't come back here, lay low and keep myself out of trouble. No, instead, I decided to head to Polson, a town twenty minutes away, to find Jillian - a girl I used to fuck in high school – only to have Ivy show up unannounced.

I never wanted to come back to Moose Creek, but I really had no other place to go. Staying at the ranch instead of residing at my father's house put me at a safe distance from being under his microscope more than I already was. I had fucked up bad. So bad, in fact, that I was about to lose everything.

My past three years at college were filled with booze, parties, faceless girls, and football. A lifestyle my father raised me into thinking was needed to be accepted by him. Football was really the only thing we had in common. The fact that I was good at it and he was able to brag to his buddies about my athletic accomplishments was the only thing that made him remotely proud of me. I was never my father's pride and joy. In his eyes, I was never as smart, or as responsible, or as business-oriented as Blaine - his golden child. All I was to him was just a reminder of our mother. Not only did I share her dark features and piercing blue eyes, but I was also blessed with her passion for adventure and musical talent – I dabbled in songwriting, and I have played guitar since I was a child.  I am all the things he wished I wasn't, which is exactly why he pushed football so hard down my throat since I was just a kid. Knowing I was like my mom was too painful for him. I was just that annoying reminder she was gone.

So now I was stuck in Moose Creek because of "the accident". After a night of partying with my teammate Mason and two very horny girls, I stupidly got behind the wheel after a few too many drinks and ended up hitting a parked car. Thankfully, no one was hurt. The two girls were pretty shaken up, though, and needless to say, I didn't get the threesome I had hoped. When a police officer arrived at the scene, I was lucky as fuck he was a huge college football fan and knew exactly who I was. He threw me in the drunk tank, called Coach Fenwick and didn't end up pressing any charges.

Coach Fenwick was less than pleased, though, since my partying and lack of focus had already made me a huge thorn in his side the entire season. He gave me an ultimatum – get my shit together or kiss my spot on the team and my scholarship goodbye. He suggested I spend some time away from what he referred to as "my reckless lifestyle" if I wanted to make something of myself.

Of course, I knew it was a stupid mistake to drink and drive, and I regretted my decision immediately. When the accident threatened my football career, I felt indifferent about possibly losing my spot on the football field and full-ride scholarship. All I've ever wanted to do since I was a child was to write music and play my guitar anyway, just like my mother had taught me.

When Coach thought I wasn't taking his threats seriously, especially after he reviewed my final marks for my Junior year. He called my father like I was some sort of misbehaving child and ratted me out. And, of course, my father was furious I was about to ruin my entire college football career. He was just a crass businessman with a cold heart and a hefty bank account. He didn't care about me, of course, unless I was bringing home a trophy. It was all about image and  appearances in the Wyatt family. With a lot of convincing I agreed to fly home for the summer to re-focus and keep myself out of trouble because, really, nothing exciting ever happened in Moose Creek.

I highly doubted trouble would find me. Except right now, trouble was under my nose.

When I walked back into the house, I peered down the hallway and saw the door of the guest bedroom was sealed shut. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror on the wall and scowled. I felt far worse than I looked. My dark shoulder-length hair was pulled back into a man-bun, and my eyes were glossy from the whiskey. My tee shirt was wrinkled, and I had a lipstick smear on the side of my neck.

Real nice, Rhys. You're a class act.

"What was all that about?" my eyes lifted to Jillian's. She stood in the kitchen, tits popping out of her skintight dress and hands on her hips.

"Nothing," I mumbled, tossing my keys on the console table at the entrance. "It's all good. She's fine."

Taking a step forward, Jillian stopped my stride and placed her palm on my chest. She ran her hands down my abdomen, pulling at my belt with a wicked gleam in her eye. "Let me finish what we started...I want to see that big dick of yours come."

Well, who was I to argue with that? But fuck, I wanted to push her away, I did. But I also knew that my dick was so hard it was either my hand or her mouth finishing me off tonight.

"Jillian– "I started and peered down the hallway.

Her finger slid over my lips. She leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Come on, Rhys, you know you want it." She licked my lobe and shoved her hands down the front of my jeans. I moaned when her palm wrapped around my cock, and she jerked it slightly. She smirked against my neck and then kissed my lips, sucking on my bottom lip. I inhaled a sharp breath and looked down the hallway one last time to make sure Ivy's bedroom door was closed. I knew letting Jillian suck me off a few feet away from where Ivy was sleeping was a bad idea. But I had zero time to talk myself out of it when I felt Jillian drop to her knees and, in one fluid motion, slide her mouth over my cock.

Fuck. I was sure after tonight I was going to hell, but better Jillian's mouth than the sweet one that didn't belong to me hiding behind the guest bedroom door.

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