Chapter 10

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I felt exhausted as Coach Thompson called for a water break. Collapsing to the grass, I twisted my hair into a tighter ponytail and gulped deep drags from my water bottle.

The sun beat down mercilessly, and practice had dragged on for what felt like forever. As my breath slowed, Coach Thompson clapped her hands loudly. "Alright ladies, listen up!"

Groans echoed around me as we struggled to attention once more. Coach waited impatiently for silence before continuing, "As you all know, Homecoming is coming up in two weeks."

Excited whispers broke out among my teammates. Homecoming was always the biggest event of the fall - the dance, the game, the pep rally, cheering at our loudest as our football guys took the field. It should have been the highlight of my year to come.

The coach's next words sent a ripple of excitement through the team. "We'll be doing a teacher cheerleader dance off!"

My head whipped up, full attention now. A dance off? With teachers? This I had to see. Coach continued pairing girls off with their teacher partners.

"Kayley, you'll be with Mr. White," she announced. I watched in amusement as my friend's cheeks flushed a deep crimson, eyes darting to where the teacher stood chatting with the football coach.

Grinning, I nudged her arm. "Well look who's got a crush."

She tried to play it off, shrugging nonchalantly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

But her eyes sparkled in a way that gave her away. I nudged her harder. "Oh come on Kayles, you totally have a thing for White! I see you mooning over him."

"Shut up, Emma!" She hissed, swatting at me. But the smile breaking through her scowl undermined any real annoyance.

As Coach Thompson rattled off pairings, my smile faded when she said, "Emma, you'll dance with Ms. Clarke."

Time seemed to slow as I turned in disbelief. There, standing among the staff, was Ms. Clarke herself. Our eyes met across the field, and I saw something flash in their piercing blue depths, unreadable yet meaningful.

My mind spun with questions. Had she requested me specifically after I blew up on her? Or was it just coincidence? Maybe she wanted a chance to reprimand me face to face without witnesses.

A thousand possible motives danced behind that enigmatic gaze, holding me captive as surely as her velvet voice lilting in my dreams. All I knew for certain was our fates were intertwined yet again, and this homecoming pep rally promised to be either my redemption or undoing.

As practice drew to a close, Coach Thompson instructed us to begin practicing our dances with our teacher partners. Taking a deep breath, I walked slowly towards Ms. Clarke with leaden feet, eyes downcast.

When I finally stopped before her, the apology tumbled out in a rush. "I'm sorry for calling you the Ice Queen."

An awkward silence followed before Ms. Clarke let out a ringing laugh that surprised me. Looking up reluctantly, I found only warmth in her eyes instead of the scorn I'd expected.

"It's alright, Emma," she chuckled gently. "I've been teaching five long years, trust me when I say that's hardly the worst nickname I've earned over the years."

Her forgiveness loosened some knot deep within me.

As we stood facing each other awkwardly, I asked hesitantly, "So, um, what dance did you want to practice?"

Ms. Clarke pondered for a moment before replying with a twinkle in her eye, "Well, all the students seem to be doing that one TikTok dance lately. You know, the one that goes 'wat wat, then lean'."

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