Magicial Karma

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Alex was often known around the town from being the "bad boy." He'd make it a habit to bully the little kids. When kids would try to tell their parents about him, their parents wouldn't do anything about it.

It was all going good for Alex, way too good. There was this one boy he'd bully a lot more than the others. His name was Bobby. Alex bullied him mainly for his name since it was a pretty basic name.

Bobby would get thrown in the garbage cans to having bird poop thrown at his face. Alex would warn all of the other kids not to talk to Bobby or he'd bully them just as hard too. At some point, Bobby had enough, and decided to plan something for Alex.

He walked outside of his house and went to the  recreational forest nearby like he always does. Bobby sighs. "What a wonderful day! I hope nobody comes and bullies me!" he shouts, knowing full well that Alex would be around the forest somewhere.

"Well well well... Look who it is!" Alex says with a mischievous smirk on his face as he walks out from the nearby bushes. "You ready for another beating?" Alex says. Bobby sheepishly stays silent, looking down.

"Come on bro!" Alex shouts in poor Bobby's ears. "Talk to me!" Before Alex could hit the boy with another insult, Bobby suddenly looks up and kicks Alex onto the ground.

Alex shouts in pain and disbelief as he lands in a mud puddle. To his surprise, Bobby finds himself in front of an unconscious Alex. Bobby grins and laughs. "Heh, looks like you got what you deserved..." Bobby walks back to his home right after.

Hours later, Alex wakes up in the forest. It's now nighttime, and the forest is incredibly dark. "Ah shit..." Alex groans to himself, checking his pockets for his phone to see if he got any missing calls or tcxts. Weirdly, his pocket was empty.

"W-What?! No no no!" Alex shouted in worry as he frantically patted himself down from head to toe. Once realizing he really doesn't have his phone, and starts to walk around the trees and bushes, unable to find the path back home.

Alex luckily spots a street lamp in the distance. He starts walking towards it until he is suddenly stopped by Bobby. "Dude! What are you doing here this late?!" Alex shouted out in anger. Bobby blankly stares at Alex, making Alex start to freak out a bit.

"Uh... loser?" Alex says, poking Bobby's head only to get no response. "I am not Bobby... I am his protection spirit." Bobby says, the tone of his voice sounding reminiscent of a judge or president. Alex tries to run away but his legs are frozen in place, in fact, his whole body is.

Alex struggles to get his words out. "M-Mmph! Mmpph!" he shouted, his mouth frozen shut. He remained frozen in place as Bobby did the same. Alex helplessly stood there, his eyes physically unable to direct themselves away from Bobby's. "Mmmpph!" Alex shouted once more, getting desperate.

"Hmph." Bobby said dismissively. "Follow me." Bobby turns away from the street lamp, and walks deeper into the dense and dark forest. All Alex could do was follow Bobby through the forest. His eyes desperately wanted to move around, to see anything else around him other than Bobby. Alex's hands remained flat and stiff. His arms were stuck at his sides, and his eyes made sure to always be on Bobby.

Alex soon got frustrated after following Bobby for minutes. Bobby could sense this, but didn't seem to care. He continued to lead Alex deeper and deeper into the forest until they both met a wooden fence. The wooden fence stretched both left and right. Bobby hopped over the wooden fence, and Alex was forced to do the same.

"Mph!" Alex said, struggling to get a single sound out. Alex could tell he was no longer in the forest, but in a backyard. Maybe Bobby's? Bobby brings Alex inside and upstairs into his room.

"Sit." Bobby sternly says, Alex's body following his order and sitting down on the floor. Alex remained to look up at Bobby from below, completely silent. Bobby grinned, and grabbed Alex's shoes off of his feet. Alex's eyes were still glued to Bobby, which annoyed him to his core. Bobby then took off Alex's socks, which he hasn't washed in days.

"You, Alex, have tormented my friend. Now I shall do the same to you." Bobby says as he ties Alex's two socks together in a ball. The ball made up of a pair of tied up socks gets shoved into Alex's mouth. The smell was so foul and disgusting, especially the taste. The feeling of the dirty, rough fabric on his tounge made him shiver.

Bobby's grin grew even more. "Cross your arms." Alex does as told, his arms now crossed. Bobby grabs a nearby sweater and uses it to tie Alex's arms together like this. Alex stared deeply into Bobby's eyes with hatred as Bobby continued to humiliate him.

Bobby then blindfolds Alex with a nearby beanie. "Sleep now." Alex tries to fight it, but his eyelids close immediately. Alex wakes up in a small, cramped area. He could move, and talk! Although he was still tied up and gagged, he wasn't completely helpless this time around. "Mpph! Mmmpph!" Alex shouted out, wiggling around. As he did, the cramped space around him made a metal creaking sound. The space is opened via a door. Alex falls to the ground face first onto the white tiled floor. Alex looks at his legs, which have been tied together by rope, then back up. He realizes he's in school as the kids in the hallway laugh at him. Alex looks behind himself again to see he was stuffed in a locker.

When things couldn't get any worse, Alex lools back up to see Bobby. Bobby grins and bends down, getting his mouth close to Alex's ear. "Go poop yourself." Bobby chuckles and walks away.

Alex feels his stomach churning and growling. He closes his eyes to await further embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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