An Unexpected Reaction

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"She's under there," Sable heard the stocky woman say, and she curled up even tighter, anticipating being forcibly dragged out.

She still couldn't stop crying. Why couldn't she stop crying!

"...I can see that," said a new voice, another woman. "Help me light the fireplace. This place is freezing. Why do the new batch of girls always arrive when it's getting colder?"

"But what about --"

"Shoo. Do what I asked and keep quiet. Go do something else if you're going to be impatient."

And then there was quiet except for footsteps and the scraping of things against each other. No one spoke or acknowledged her.

There was soon a flare of light and Sable heard the tell-tale crackling of fire coming from the fireplace.

And still no one spoke or acknowledged her.

Sable was aware that she was not alone, but somehow, with the fire slowly crackling and warming up the cold room, and no one addressing her or speaking at her... it all helped her tears and breathlessness slow down.

She was still very scared, and she was aware that she had messed up by reacting the way she had, and she still didn't know what would happen because of it. But, the room was warmer now and no one was paying attention to her. And that was only ever a good thing.

A few minutes later, though, Sable's reprieve was over as she heard footsteps come near her. Her breathing started to quicken again... but then something scraped along the floor toward her, and she suddenly felt a small spot of warmth as the footsteps retreated.

Peeking out, she was met with a plate of what looked like biscuits and a steaming pot of yellow water, the steam rising and warming a small patch of skin on her arm.

"That's for you, girlie, eat and drink." Then a soft groan came from the new woman, and Sable looked up to see her sitting cross-legged on the floor, well out of arm's reach. She was plump and black-haired and wore a smock and apron similar to Bri. 

But her voice was far gentler and less irritated. "Hello," she said, smiling at her. "I'm Eve."

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