Chapter 8

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The rest of the car ride, Rhys is dead silent. You can barely hear him breathe. After about 45 minutes we reach the museum.

"Okay this is hella fancy. Why this specific one though?" I ask. "There will be many of my mutuals here as this museum is owned by my uncle and there is some anniversary event going on," he says coldly.

"And you're telling me that now?" I snap. Rhys ignores me and gets out of the car. I reluctantly do the same. Just before we enter, he extends his arm out to me emotionlessly.

I wrap my arm around his and we walk in. F*ck. This place looks expensive. I admire all the beautiful art pieces while still walking close beside Rhys. As we walk, he greets some acquaintances.

"Hello, gorgeous." says an unfamiliar male voice. "Uhm, hello?" I respond. "I see you're with my stuck up cousin huh," he says jokingly. Oh, so this is Rhys' cousin. Interesting.

"Maybe we could go out la-" Rhys cuts him off. "Back off, Adrian. She's mine." he says coldly as he wraps his arm around my waist. I don't know why. But. I'm blushing.

"Calm down, man. I was just kidding," claims his cousin, Adrian. For some reason this Adrian gives me the ick. He's tall, not taller than Rhys though. He has dark brown eyes and black hair.

Everyone suddenly starts to gather around one certain art piece at the centre of the museum. Rhys still had his hand on my waist and walked with me to the art piece.

It's supposedly a very expensive, exquisite painting done by a famous artist. Looks like a toddler painted it, but all these rich people were amazed.

"Honestly this looks like shit," muttered Rhys. "For the first time in my life, I agree with you," I say while smirking. Rhys' face stays expressionless.

A woman who claimed to be Rhys' aunt approached us. She was Adrian's mother. "Hello, my favorite nephew!" she said with a huge grin. Rhys scoffed under his breath. "Greetings, aunt," he said.

She hugged him tightly and he looked extremely uncomfortable yet his expression still remained cold. I just stood behind her while she hugged him. "Oh and who's this?" she asked while pointing to me.

"That's my girlfriend," Rhys says and I slowly wave at her and move a bit closer to Rhys. "Oh my gosh, she's so beautiful. I honestly wouldn't mind you being Adrian's girl," she giggles. Okay now I'm annoyed at this woman.

"You could fix a few facial features though and-" Rhys cut her off as if he could read my mind and tell how uncomfortable I was. "We're leaving," he said to his aunt coldly as he held my hand and left the building.

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