Chapter Eleven

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Rihanna liked the gorgeous black stallion immensely. It seemed he shared an unspoken bond with Hunter as he lovingly stroked him."Hey, Black Fury! See this is Rihanna. You gotta let her climb onto your back, right?" Hunter said, giving him a treat. Black Fury looked pleased with his treat and allowed Rihanna to stroke him too, just like Hunter did.

"That was easy. Did you cast a spell upon him, too?" asked Hunter with a knowing smile. Rihanna looked at him with disbelief.

"Are you crazy?" she asked, rolling her eyes at him.

"Yes, you make me," he said, his smirk deepening. Rihanna blushed.

"Can we please go home?" she said. What was wrong with this man? Why was he saying things that caused the butterflies to flutter in her stomach?

"Sure but what's the hurry? Do you have anyone waiting for you?" He asked with a grin, knowing fully well that she didn't. He mounted on his horse with ease and stretched out his arm for her to take. He pulled her up effortlessly making her sit right in front of him, between his thick muscular legs. With her back touching his chest, she could feel the heat of his body emanating through the thin material of his tee shirt. His arms went around her as he held onto the reigns.

"Whoa boy, let's go," he spoke and they set off at a steady gallop. Rihanna could feel his warm breath against her neck, his stubble grazing against her skin every now and then. It was sheer torture. It seemed that he had purposely made her mount his horse instead of his truck. It would have been so easy to go on his truck.

They were galloping away towards her home at a steady pace, her hair flying behind her, touching him, his arms grazing against her breasts. "Do you always go to work on Black Fury?" she asked curiously.

"No, I just wanted you to meet him. We're pretty close," said Hunter. "Three years back I saved him from the valley beyond those hills," he said, pointing at the hills just behind the main building. He was injured and I nursed him back to health. He has stayed with me ever since. I trained him and today he's my only friend here," said Hunter. Rihanna was touched by what he told her. He had casually shared a piece of information about himself and Rihanna felt honored.

"You're very good with animals, " she appreciated.

"It's my job. I will take you to my ranch and introduce you to all my horses," he told her.

"I'd love to meet them, " said Rihanna, an electric spark going through her body when his mouth grazed her neck. Was it on purpose or accidentally? She had no idea. She couldn't ask him, could she?

He stopped the horse on the way beside a creek. "Where are we?" she asked, looking around. She had never been to this place before. It looked so magical as the crystal clear water reflected the sun's rays. There were tall trees swaying in the soft breeze, and birds all around. A deer just drank water and ran into the forested area beyond. It seemed like an isolated place in the wilderness with no sign of any human beings around anywhere.

"Black Fury needs a drink," he said dismounting and tying Black Fury to a tree near the water's edge. He helped her dismount, his hands on her waist. While her siblings and cousins could all ride, Rihanna was never interested in horse riding or training. She was a country woman but different from every other in many aspects.

She held onto his arm to steady herself but instead of releasing her, he pulled her into his arms, crushing her to his body. She could feel his hard arousal against her body. She knew that he was as aroused as she was. That horse ride had driven them too out of control. Without a word, he captured her mouth in a deep, powerful, and possessive kiss. His tongue parted her mouth and probed into her mouth, devouring her, tasting every corner of her sweet mouth. The kiss was more passionate than the one that they had shared in the morning. It made her feel hot, weak, and very very wet. "Hunter," she moaned against his mouth, enjoying how he was making her feel. She had imagined this the whole time that they rode together on Black Fury.

His hand went under her top and touched her breasts from above the thin lace of her bra. He sat down and pulled her down onto his lap on the grassy patch near the creek. "Rihanna, I need you," he whispered in a voice that showed the longing deep in his soul. He unclasped her bra and pushed it over her breasts. She arched her body to give him access and he latched on, sucking and teasing her making her moan with abandon. He lay her down on her soft downy grass and hovered over her. The passion mounting out of control. It had been three long lonely years and Hunter couldn't control himself any longer. Her beauty, her innocence, her soft skin, her delicious taste, and her intoxicating smell, all drove him crazy since the day he saw her. It seemed that he was powerless to resist her.

His hand went to the waistband of her jeans and pushed inside to touch her dripping-wet folds. A gasp escaped her as he touched her sensitive spot. He thrust a finger inside her, his mouth capturing hers again in a wild and possessive kiss that turned hungrier every minute. Rihanna clung to his shoulders. In her entire twenty-six years of life, she had never felt this way about anyone. She had lost her senses, her everything around this man. It seemed like she was a puppet in his hands. She moaned his name as his thrusts picked up speed and intensity, driving her insane and she finally found her release.

She fixed her clothes, trying to catch her breath while Hunter stared at her, his expression unreadable. Rihanna couldn't meet his eyes when she realized what they had just done. How could she stoop so low and allow him to have his way here in the middle of nowhere? She was a respectful teacher and he was her student's guardian. Agreeing to sleep with him was such a wrong decision. It might have made him think that she was easily available.

He got up and held out his hand to pull her to her feet but Rihanna didn't need it. She got up feeling ashamed of her own actions. How could she act like a sixteen-year-old and forget herself so easily? Hunter gazed at her, his face a mask, his eyes lost in some deep thought. "Where's this place? I'll call one of my brothers to come and pick me up if you can't drop me home," she asked him. Hunter felt hurt by her words. After the magic that they shared was she repenting having kissed him?

"Why wouldn't I be able to drop you home?" He asked. Then he caught her arm and swung her around to face him. "Are you repenting the kiss? Did I kiss you against your will?" he asked in a tortured tone as if he was deeply hurt.

"Look Hunter, you could have easily driven me home but instead you brought me here. For what? I'm not an easily available woman. I have my honor. I'm Robbie's teacher for God's sake. I can't go kissing and making out in public places. I'm sorry, those kisses were a mistake. In fact, sleeping with you was the biggest mistake of my life. I can walk home, thank you," said Rihanna, extricating herself and running back towards the main road.

Hunter looked shocked at what she just told him. Mistake? He was a mistake in her life too just like he was in Eve's life. Why couldn't he be loved for once in his life? After a few seconds, he came to his senses. He ran after Rihanna and caught up with her. "I'll drop you off Rihanna. It's my responsibility. I won't show my wretched face to you again," he said unhappily. His heart was breaking but he pulled her towards his horse. Untying Black Fury, he mounted his horse and helped her onto it.

They rode in silence the rest of the way to her house. Rihanna saw his eyes glistening with emotion. Maybe she shouldn't have said those words to him. He was already troubled and had difficulty sleeping on his own but the words were already out of her mouth and she didn't know how to take them back. She wanted to say sorry but the damage was already done. He stopped his horse in front of her house and helped her dismount. He didn't wait a single minute, galloping away at a breakneck speed as if wanting to get away as fast as possible.

Hunter slowed down when he reached that spot by the creek again where he'd spent a moment with her. Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered her words and he swore that he would never show his unwanted face to her again.

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