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Seulgi was expecting many things from Jimin but the way Jimin held himself back was surprising to her. Since both of the Omegas were on scent blocker no one could tell what they were thinking.

Outside the office all employees were just waiting for their manager and seulgi to know what was happening.

"Position is good and lightning is also not bad. But I think the position is too boring. There is no fun in it. " Jimin said calmly drinking water as if he is really unbothered by everything making Seulgi shocked.

"W-what?" Seulgi said in disbelief. She never expected such a reply from Jimin. She was unable to piss him off yesterday so today she comes up with the full preparation to make Jimin mad. But nothing she expected was happening.

"Ms. Kang I know you didn't spend the night with my alpha. I am sure about it. I sleep with him literally everyday so I know which position he prefers the most. And according to this photo Jungkook is sleeping and it seems like you woke up before him which is impossible. Cause whenever I spend a night with my alpha I always wake up after him. So it means that either you both didn't do anything or you may not have that charm to keep him all night. One more thing is my alpha loves to be a big spoon. He always sleeps hugging me tightly which is not the case in this picture. " Jimin explained calmly offering a water to seulgi since he knew she needed it the way her face was showing anger.

"Okay fine I admit it that we didn't spend a night but I still took those pictures right? Don't you feel bothered about it?" Seulgi asked in irritation.

"Why will I be bothered? I know my alpha is handsome. So of course everyone wants him. But that doesn't mean he is gonna entertain everyone. He is only MINE." Jimin said with confidence even though he wanted to kill Jungkook right there for making everyone attracted to him even though he is only his.

"Okay fine I get you are not bothered by others but what about Yeona's real omega parent? What will you do if they come back?" Seulgi asked smirking. And Jimin started laughing now. The amount of time he has been asked that same question was the funniest thing ever.

"You don't need to worry about that Ms. Kang cause I am the real omega parent of Yeona." Jimin answered smirking and saw the way Seulgi's face was dropped with shock she realised Jimin was serious about it. She couldn't bear it anymore so he got up from her seat and stormed out of the Jimin's office in anger.

When Jimin came back to Jeon mansion that day he was angry at Jungkook. He wanted to scream and ask alpha what his relationship is with Seulgi? But he can't do that. He knows if he asks about it then Jungkook will realise that he is jealous and the alpha will be on cloud nine. He will also tease him about it so he just decided to give him silent treatment.

Jungkook noticed Jimin ignoring him purposefully but he has no Idea why? He just found out that Jimin went to Eunwoo's mansion yesterday and he was already jealous about it. Even though he knows Eunwoo must've called him about those CCTV footage recordings but he was still feeling bitter over it. And now this silent treatment.

After feeding Yeona Jimin send her with a servant to play and start eating his food in anger as if that food is seulgi and he is biting her. Whenever Jungkook tries to fill his own plate with any dish Jimin will grab it before and take it in his own plate making Jungkook frustrated.

"Jimin what happened? Why are you acting like a pup?" Jungkook asked in confusion.

"Ohh really? Now I am a pup. I know that you don't love me anymore that's why you think I am a pup. Go to your seulgi and live with her then." Jimin nearly screamed but then realised what he just said. Jungkook understood everything the moment Jimin took Seulgi's name and he felt happy that Jimin still cares and he is definitely jealous.

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