Chapter 12: Lord Kushmon

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Worldbuilding: Magi Fauna


Wyverns are flying reptiles the size of an average car. They have two hind legs and two wings, which they use to walk on while on the ground. They can shoot fireballs out of their mouths at predators. It is possible to tame, ride, and domesticate wyverns.


Dragons are large reptiles a little bit bigger than an elephant. They have four legs and two wings for a total of six limbs. Like wyverns, they can use magic to shoot fireballs out of their mouths, appropriately scaled up to their larger size. Just as with wyverns, these fireballs are formed via regular mana, as opposed to fire mana. Dragons are highly intelligent animals and occasionally bond with humans or other intelligent life. A dragon and rider pair become close friends throughout their lifetimes.

Elemental dragons

Unlike regular dragons, whos' primary magical ability is only a mouth launched fireball, elemental dragons can each manipulate one type of elemental mana. All dragons, however, can still shoot fireballs from their mouths. Fire dragons can use much more powerful fire magic in addition to the standard fireballs.


Ogres are former orcs corrupted by the REDACTED. These creatures have no free will of their own without the REDACTED to control them. They are nothing more than ravenous animals capable of wielding REDACTED.

Fire rat

Fire rats have the body of an unusually large rat, or a small cat, and the ears of a rabbit. Their whole body is covered in fur resembling flames. While generally timid, they can breathe fire as a defense mechanism. They are attracted to sources of heat, such as fireplaces, but scare easily around people. They are mostly harmless if handled with care.

Magi lemur

Peaceful herbivores that mostly eat magical plants and can cast powerful illusion magic to hide from predators. They live in all types of forests and some grassy areas.

Stone crawlers

Stone crawlers are small silicon based lifeforms roughly the size of a grapefruit. They bear no biological relation to crawlers or desert crawlers. Stone crawlers have four powerful spear tipped legs extending from the corners of their diamond shaped body that help them dig and climb through caves and mountains. They can use strong but simple elemental earth magic as well. They live in rocky or stony areas such as mountains, caves and some deserts.

Mana locusts

Mana locusts ravenously consume magical plants. They are regarded as pests since the valuable archwood trees are their favorite food.

Mana leech

Mana leeches are native to wet areas with lots of magi fauna to feed on. Once a mana leech attaches itself to a magic user or magic creature, it will drain the host's mana, consuming it for sustenance. However, it won't drain their mana to the point of mana exhaustion and the host won't suffer anything other than a minimal mana pool. Mana leeches are sometimes used to imprison mages or as a weapon to weaken powerful magi fauna.

Forest ghoul

Forest ghouls are an amalgamation of tree branches, moss, mushrooms, plants, animal bones and other forest matter. They roam through forests and can use powerful life and dark magic against anything they deem a threat. And they deem everything to be a threat.

They reproduce by collecting biomatter from their native forest and performing an archaic summoning ritual. No one has ever seen this ritual take place, so exactly how forest ghouls are formed is unknown.

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