The arranged Marriage

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Edited 13/3/24

Chapter Six
The Arranged Marriage

Mia Ahara

It’s been two days since I found out that I am pregnant. Leonardo seemed happy, but that’s because he only knows the broad topic of what I went through.

After I took the test I was still in denial about being pregnant. I thought about it and realized that after all that Jacob has done to me, I shouldn’t be surprised about something like this.

Lee and I were cuddling in bed, he was sleeping but I on the other hand couldn’t even close my eyes. My hands wondered to my flat stomach.

“My baby is innocent” I chanted repeatedly. I flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, hey. It’s me” I heard Leonardo’s voice assured. I released a deep shaky breath and turned around.

“Sorry I scared you” Leo apologized

“It’s ok, I was too deep in thoughts to realize that you came in” I told. He nods in acknowledgement.

“Have you eaten anything as yet?”

“I ate breakfast earlier in the morning so I’m not hungry at the moment.”

“Mia” Leo started. I sigh knowing that he’s going to lecture me. “You’re eating for two now. You have to eat something even though you don’t feel like it. Come I’ll make you something light to eat.” He said sweetly.

“What about Lee? I don’t want to leave him up here alone” I frowned

“I will bring him.” Leo lifted Lee from the bed and we walked down to the kitchen. I sat at the table and Leo handed Lee to me. Feeling relaxed, I watched as he made me an egg sandwich.

I ate the sandwich while Leo watched ensuring that I ate the whole thing. We sat in silence. It was a nice, comfortable silence.

After I finished the sandwich I decided to go to the back yard, I stayed out there for a while enjoying the warm sun on my skin. Lee’s eyes fluttered open because of how bright outside was. I giggled as he used his little fist to rub his eyes.

His eyes lit up when he saw me. “Ma, Ma, Ma” he squealed flapping his tiny hands around.

“Well someone is excited” I smiled. Lee made grabby hands for my breast and straight away I knew he wanted something to eat. The other day I fed him a cake so I figured he could eat light, soft food and dessert.

As I got up to get him something to eat, I saw Leo coming out with Lee's bottle filed with milk and a plate of soft biscuits.

“I figured that when he woke up he’d be hungry” Leonardo stated.

“He is” I smiled. He's so thoughtful

We sat on a bench and I hand Lee to Leonardo. He put their plate and bottle on the bench and took Lee. I watched as Lee ate and drink.

My eyes wandered to the breathtaking flowers that surrounds the backyard. The wonderful smell of numerous flowers invaded my nostrils as the gentle breeze blows. They swayed as if they were dancing to a sweet, soft melody.

I could see birds, bees and butterfly. I smiled because it has been a long time since I’ve seen such beauty and felt peace like this.

I took a deep breath through my nose and then exhale. Feeling as if someone was watching me, I blinked. Leonardo was looking at me with bright eyes.

“There’s something I wanted to tell you” Leo informs

“Ok” I replied

“I had someone do a background check on you when you first got here” he announced. My eyes widen “Why would you do that?” I gasped

“Even though you seemed harmless I had to make sure that my family was safe” he explained

“Oh” I croaked

“There’s something else” he continued, I stayed silent as he began “A few months before my father passed, he arranged for me to marry the daughter of Kaleb and Trishana Ahara.” My eyes widen at the names but I stayed silent and listened.

“My Father always knows what’s best so when he told me about the arrangement I was happy. A day before the wedding we got a call informing us that the bride has run away. That bride was you Mia.”

          I was speechless “Oh um…” I stuttered “Sorry?” I apologized, but it came out sounding like a question.

          “It’s ok. Fate brought us back together.” He smiled

           “When was the last time you spoke to my parents?” I inquired curiously

            “I haven’t spoken to then since the wedding was canceled.” He answered

             “OK.” I sigh in disappointment. I wish I could see them again. I wish I could tell them that they were right all along.

I hope I get to see them again someday.

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