Chapter 37 - Questions answered

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As consciousness begins to seep into my awareness, I feel an unwelcome tightness constricting around my wrist. Slowly, I become aware of my surroundings, my eyes blinking open to a world filled with blinding light.

The initial shock gives way to a stark realization – I'm seated, immobilized in a chair. The chill in the air stings my skin, and an eerie silence surrounds me, emphasizing the solitude of my confinement. With a sense of growing unease, my vision sharpens, and I attempt to take in every detail, although the brilliance of the light is almost blinding.

The cold metal of the chair presses against my skin, a vivid reminder of my restrained state. I'm not alone in this surreal place. A voice emerges from the shadows, a voice I recognize all too well – Mike's.

"Good morning, sunshine," he greets me, his words dripping with a sinister tone that sends shivers down my spine.

"Mike? What is this?" I inquire, the confusion and fear intertwining in my voice.

Mike remains with his back to me, his posture reflecting a certain madness that fills the room. It's then that I fully register our location – the Venus BioTech building, a place that was my workplace only a few months ago.

"I told you, Jane," Mike's voice exudes a chilling confidence. "From the day I started working here, I told you I'm your biggest fan."

My heart quickens its pace as I realize the implications of his words. My thoughts whirl, and I anxiously await an explanation. The truth unfolds like a sinister story as Mike continues.

"I loved you even before you knew me, Jane," he confesses, his words laced with disturbing obsession. "I knew that the only way to get your attention was to sell 'light.' I could have had you, if it wasn't for that Thomas."

Images are thrust before my eyes, snapshots of days that predate my awareness of Mike's existence. His revelation sends a wave of dread cascading over me, my heart sinking as I fathom the depths of his obsession.

"Are you... Are you a stalker?" I dare to question, my voice trembling with unease.

Mike's response is a twisted smile that dances on his lips, an embodiment of madness that chills me to the core.

"No, just an admirer," he replies, his words dripping with a perverse affection that defies all reason. The revelation of his true nature is like a nightmarish jolt, and I find myself trapped in a dark reality where Mike's obsession with me has reached terrifying proportions.

As I attempt to keep Mike talking, a mix of fear and determination fuels my effort to stall, to buy time and find an opportunity to escape the nightmarish clutches of his obsession. I ask with feigned curiosity, "Why are you my biggest fan?" My voice quivers subtly, concealing my rising panic.

Mike's eyes gleam with a fervor that I find deeply unsettling. He continues to elaborate, seemingly eager to share the twisted narrative that fuels his fixation. "My mother was a single mother," he begins, his voice catching with a hint of emotion. "She had died of cancer a year before I started working for you."

His revelation pierces through the air, and I struggle to mask my unease. I interject, "But I thought your mom is in Texas," my words laced with skepticism and confusion.

Mike's gaze sharpens, and there's an unsettling clarity in his voice as he responds, "It was a lie. Before my mother died, I heard about your research, but it was already too late." The way he utters these words sends shivers down my spine. It's as if he's recounting a traumatic memory, and I can't help but question the veracity of his claims.

While I'm locked in this disturbing conversation, I discreetly work at the restraints binding my wrists. The knot is stubborn, but I continue to manipulate it under the guise of idle chatter. As Mike becomes lost in his narrative, I sense a growing distraction in him.

Untold Story  ║  Book 1 of The Untold seriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz