The Devil Doesn't Die (pt 2)

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Hatred - intense dislike or ill will.

I was placed back in my cell after some more questions were asked. I answered all of them truthfully. Why wouldn't I? I've nothing to lose. 

They loaded me into a cop car. John and Jack were taking me somewhere. God only knows where. "So, Y/N, tell us; What are your motives?" Jack mumbled. He flicked on the windshield wipers since it'd begun to rain. Freezing rain is always great.... Yay. I just looked out the window and sighed. "I have no motives. I just did the shit I did because I felt freedom doing it." I answered. "So you acted on impulse?" John butted in. "I guess." I rolled my eyes. John and Jack mumbled once again, I wonder what they keep talking about.. Where I'm going. It was then, just as John turned to speak to me, the we hit something. It left a dent in the front of the cop car, whatever it was. Furrowing my brows, I lifted my head and looked around frantically. "What's going on..?" I asked. I couldn't see worth a damn through the bars of the back seat, but I could tell something was in the road. Jack and John had already gotten out of the car and were standing around whatever they hit. Maybe it was just a deer. 

I slumped down in my seat, trying to get comfortable for the rest of the ride when my window was suddenly smashed out and I was grabbed through it. Something or someone had its grasp over my mouth. I panicked, but in silence, as shattered glass blanketed my legs and scraped my cuffed hands. That's when I realized something.. This thing smelled familiar. It was a hand, a red hand. And it smelled like roses and cheap Walmart cologne. "Bob?" I muffled through the fingers of the hand. There was no answer until suddenly, with no warning, I was yanked through the shattered window and carried away from the two cops. 

"Let me GO!" I screamed, wiggling in my kidnappers arms. "HOLD STILL!" He yelled back. I was dropped on the ground, and that was when I finally saw him for who he was. 

"I thought I killed you..." I sheepishly muttered. "You remember that talk we had about immortality, my little lamb?" Bob grumbled, sawing my handcuffs right off. "Oh.. Right." I sighed, "But even then, why save me? Why even bother coming back for me when I tried to kill you?" Bob just looked at me. He wasn't smiling the way he used to, like he didn't feel the need to be so creepy anymore. I let out a small whimper as he grabbed my face gently. "I.. Don't care that you tried to kill me. It was my fault." Bob pulled a band-aid out of his pocket and placed it over a gash on my hand. I looked down at it and smiled softly. "I shouldn't have scared you the way I did. I got territorial." He spoke. Bob stood up straight and looked down at me with a very serious look. After a moment of silence, he grabbed his horns and pulled his mask off, shaking his fluffy black hair to fix it after the mask had messed it up. I glanced around the alleyway we'd been standing in and just shook my head softly. "Yeah, well, just because you got me outta going to federal prison or an electric chair doesn't mean I'm going to trust you again." I turned on my heel and began to walk away, however, Bob followed. "Darlin-" "DON'T DARLIN' ME, BOB!!" I shouted, swinging my body around to face him. "You manipulated me! You hurt me! You made me a murderer, chased me out of town, you said you should have just stabbed me, for god's sake!" "Y/N...... Listen, I'm sorry, alright. I shouldn't have done the things I've done but there's no going back...... Only forward. And I see the way you look at me. You still love me. I know you do. So if you ever want to fix this, move past it all... You gotta move forward, Darlin'." Bob explained quietly. He seemed like he'd gone through some form of change while we were apart, like he'd learned a lesson after someone he was in love with shot him nearly dead. "Bob, I-" I was cut off, "No, it's alright." He cooed. Silence fell between Bob and I for a moment before anything else was said. "I do love you, Bob. I'm just afraid of you." 

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