chapter 18: better again

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Natasha's pov:

I brush it off and look outside the window, by the time I know it, Vincent had pulled up into a white building in the middle of nowhere. 'This was going to be just great' I thought to myself.

It was a modern style building. It had pillars of linen wood and numerous greenery scattered around the exterior. Vincent being the gentleman he is, opens my car door for me before I could. It was quite kind of him to open it for me. I know that I wasn't the nicest to him at the start, but I really wanted to make it up to him by coming here.

Even though what Vincent and the rest of my brothers did wont be forgiven, I didn't want to make his or my life any harder than it already was. I also didn't want to be a burden to their already busy lives. They take pride in their work, and so do I.

We walk into the building and Vincent heads straight to the receptionist. He tells me to sit down in own of the many waiting area seats. I sit down and pull out my phone whilst Vincent talks with the receptionist. He even began to smile at her? Hmm..

She was a gorgeous woman.

She had a fluffy, neat, black, afro with bright yellow, abstract earrings. She wore a stunning vibrant orange and lemon yellow blouse which complemented her earrings perfectly. She had jaw-dropping nails, which were also coordinated with her outfit. I aspire to be a fashion icon like her one day. On the other hand, the waiting chair was not so beautiful as I had imagined. It was made up of cheap, hard, blue plastic, not to mention that it was beyond uncomfortable to sit on.

I immediately open my snapchat app to text Flynn and Seb.

Nat: Morning losers! :) Have any updates for the new warehouse?

Seb: Good morning princess ;) You can meet up with Flynn on Sunday to finalise the construction plans.

Flynn: Mornin! Yea I'll text you the information later. Do you want to hangout today?

Nat: I wish but I have a stupid nutrition appointment now. But I think I can, probably later if that suits you?

Flynn: Of course, I'll give you a call so I can pick you up mk?

Nat: Yay! I'm so excited thank you Flynn ;)

Seb: Heyyy, I'm feeling a bit left out over here >:(

Nat: Well you won't come over here until February, that isn't my fault!

Seb: Says the girl who went MIA and ditched her mafia and family.

Flynn: Woah, woah, woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Nat: Ain't that right! HAHAHA! Good one Flynn!

Seb: Hey! I want to come but I just have to finish all the paperwork that YOU left.

Flynn: Someones out for blood this morning..

Nat: True that! HAHA!

Nat: Don't worry Seb, you'll be here in no time! :)

Seb: That doesn't excuse the fact that I will be spending time without you guys. :(

Flynn: AWHH! Does someone care about us? What a softy! HAHA!

Nat: I think that it's cute when you miss us, haha! ;)

Seb: See? Atleast Tash has some respect and decency, unlike you Flynn >:(

Flynn: Did I touch a nerve? haha.

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