💫 Chapter-69💫

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Hoseok- Ok, so before I began let me tell you something else

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Hoseok- Ok, so before I began let me tell you something else. I may not look like that but from childhood I was a very slow learner.

YN- Slow learner?

Hoseok- Yeah.... like is someone takes 30 minutes to learn something, I use to take 1 hour or even 2 hour sometimes to learn the exact same thing.

YN- Oh...... so, did something happened with you because of this?

Hoseok- Not something YN, Many things happened. Let me tell you some of them. All this started when I was in University......

He said and YN nodded her head while getting ready to listen to Hoseok's past.

💀 Flashback💀

The university hallway was a hive of activity, students rushing to their next classes. Hoseok stood in front of his locker, a seemingly ordinary part of the daily routine, but for him, it was an exercise in enduring the cruelty of his peers.

As Hoseok reached for his textbooks, a group of students approached him. Their eyes gleamed with malice, and their lips curled into smirks. They were ready to unleash their taunts.

Student 1: "Look who's gracing us with his presence today, it's Hoseok!"

He said in a sarcastic tone while the others laughed looking at Hoseok.

Student 2: Hoseok, do you even know where your next class is? Or is your brain too slow to figure it out?

He said while taunting Hoseok. One of his friends patted his back while laughing.

Student 3: (mocking) Seriously, guys, we should start a charity for Hoseok's brain. It's in desperate need!

Hoseok's face reddened with embarrassment, his grip on the textbooks tightening, but he refused to respond to their taunts and mockings.

Student 4: (jeering) Hoseok, you're like a snail in a world of cheetahs. How do you even survive here?

Student 5: "It's a miracle Hoseok even made it to university. I bet he still can't tie his shoelaces properly."

Student 1: (smirking) "Yeah guys, don't you know he is here because of his brothers who are the toppers. Not like him...."

The bullies continued their onslaught of hurtful comments, reveling in Hoseok's discomfort. His heart ached, but he kept his head down, determined not to give them the satisfaction of a response.

Student 2: (cruel laughter) Hoseok, why don't you do us all a favor and just disappear. You're a burden to this university.

He asked while grinning. Hoseok didn't said a single word. The students continued their cruel mimicry and laughter, their words cutting deeper than any physical blow. Hoseok felt a crushing weight on his shoulders but remained silent, his only goal to retrieve his books and escape the hallway as quickly as possible.

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