Chapter 8: Personal Attendant

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Light filtered across my face and I blinked my eyes open. The sun was up, which meant I overslept! My heart jumped into my throat and I sat bolt upright, breathing heavily and scrambling to grab my dress.

The moment my fingers touched the silky fabric, I paused. I blinked a few more times and fell back on the pillows. I wasn't in the slave house anymore. No one was going to beat down the door, kick me out of my cot, and nail me in the ribs for sleeping past sunrise.

At least, I didn't think so.

The prince made it clear he'd call for me if he needed me and he hadn't. In the meantime, I was to look after his quarters. He didn't give me any strict scheduling expectations.

I took my time getting up and looking over my new rooms. I'd never had so much space before. The bed was a real bed with a fluffy mattress, not a simple cot. It had sheets, nice blankets, and lots of pillows. I couldn't remember sleeping so well in my life.

The bedroom alone was twice the size of the slave quarters I grew up in. It had an empty bookshelf and a window that overlooked a palace garden. A thick velvet curtain and a gossamer curtain bunched up to the left of the window.

There was a small bathroom with a trifold changing screen decorated with a crane and river reeds and a bathtub with connected plumbing.

My private den, which I didn't think I'd ever use, had more empty bookshelves a cushy couch, a couple of reading chairs, and a table for dining. I wasn't altogether clear on how my meals were supposed to work but there was a covered tray on the table in the den.

I bit my lower lip and pulled the top off. There were several fresh fruits, some warm pastries, and a pot of steeping tea. I sat down and helped myself to the breakfast offerings. While I enjoyed another cup of warm, jasmine tea, the den door opened and a maid came in.

Immediately, I stood up and bowed my head.

"My apologies, Miss Sabine, I did not know you were still here."

I glanced up at her. She smoothed her hands over her red, silk maid's apron.

"I will come back when you've left." She curtsied, holding up her black maid's uniform skirts, and tried to back out.


She froze. "What can I help you with, Miss?"

I creased my brow. A maid was still free. She had more status than I did but she was acting like I was her superior.

"There are many things about my new position that I don't understand. Can you... educate me?"

She tipped her eyes up, her brown cheeks tinged with a dark blush. Her brow creased slightly and narrowed in on my neck. "Oh..."

I reached up and touched the collar. It was the only thing she could be looking at.

"It is my duty to bring you and the prince meals. I leave them on the table and clean them up when you're done."

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. A maid bringing me meals felt... off. I was grateful she didn't tip her nose up at me or give me a condescending look.

"There are other maids that see to cleaning His Highness's wing of the palace. However, his personal quarters and the honeymoon suite are off limits to everyone but his personal attendant."

"Honeymoon suite?" The words blurted out of my mouth before I could stop them.

The maid curtsied again. "Yes, Miss. Prince Cole keeps it locked but on the king's request, it must be dusted and well maintained for when the prince needs it."

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