Twenty Six

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When Salina was finally able to lay down that night, it was nearly midnight. Dominik hugged her close from behind. She would play a game that was only funny to her where she would see how far she could get Dominik to scoot in order to be close to her.

Last night they both slept on the very edge of the bed even after Salina admitted defeat through her laughter, Dominik pouted and announced they'd be sleeping there since she thought it was so funny.

But tonight, thankfully, they were in the middle of the mattress and Dulce slept on Dominik's side. He didn't complain as he grazed his fingers up and down her arm soothingly. She held his other hand, pressing it to her cheek as they lied in comfortable silence.

He heard her sigh quietly, Dominik opened his eyes knowing Salina's tell tale sign of having something on her mind. "What is it?" he rasped as he slid her onto her back. Salina glanced up at him as he propped himself up on his elbow. His eyes trailed to her chest, seeing her nipples stiffen underneath his large t-shirt that she wore.

Quickly finding himself distracted, he slid down and wormed his head under her shirt. It didn't stretch over his shoulders so he only stuffed his head under to rest between her tits and let the shirt bunch around the both of them.

Salina scoffed, "How are you going to ask me a question then do that? I know you're not going to pay attention."

"No, no..." he murmured as he pushed himself further into the shirt. His hair poking up through the neck hole, tickling under her chin. "I'm paying attention, woman. Tell me, share whatever is on your beautiful mind."

Fighting her grin, Salina kissed the top of his exposed hair. "Our parents sucked. Both our dads suck. Our moms sucked."

Under her shirt, Dominik snorted. "Yeah no shit, what about it?"

Salina pouted up at the ceiling, "I don't know. It was just making me think. Is every family in this line of work doomed for bad parenting and shitty relationships with their children?"

Dominik's brow furrowed, moving and shifting drawing a groan from Salina as he pushed his head through her neckhole so his face hovered over her own. "What made you think all these things, my eсолнышко? You sound sad, it's bothering me," he murmured while brushing his lips over her jaw.

Salina's lips twitched up a bit, he kissed each side to see if she would give him a full smile. When he glanced up, he saw her narrow her eyes a bit and pout her mouth instead.

She tilted her chin up, "Maybe it's everything with my dad. I'm probably just trying to shift blame. Like maybe he's just a bad dad because of his position..." her voice quieted with insecurity. "But I know it's just because that's who he is."

Dominik frowned, nuzzling down in her shoulder. "You can't blame yourself for his behavior," he felt her arms wrap around his neck.

"I know, it's just hard."

She felt him nod, his thumbs rubbed her wide hips softly. "What else is bothering you?"

Salina frowned immediately, groaning as she pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes. Dominik hissed quietly, prying them away so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"Do you want kids?" She suddenly blurted, "I know we like have to have kids for an heir or whatever-which by the way is ridiculous- but do you want kids?"

Dominik's head flung up from her chest, knocking against her chin as they both groaned. He pressed his hand to where he bumped her, rubbing the top of his head as well. "What?" he rasped as he looked as wide eyed she'd ever seen.

"Well you're not too concerned while we're having sex. I have the implant- by the way," she gestured to her arm. "I got it after I found out about the arrangement," Salina mumbled almost sheepishly. Now, it was embarrassing to admit but at the time it felt like something she would absolutely need to do to protect herself.

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