Chapter Twenty-eight

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As soon as Cassidy left me, I couldn't help but stay frozen and stare at my cup with a blank stare.

Give him a chance?

Why should I give him a chance? He's done nothing but hurt me over and over again
doesn't she see that?

I'm probably playing the victim, but do you blame me? The guy raped me and got me pregnant. I probably have no right to whine over it because I didn't report him, but do you blame me?

It's Tyson Bradford we are talking about. He's my bully. He's like a ticking time bomb that could explode and do any sort of damage if I ever reported it.

Yes, I have proof so I can still report him, but how good could that do?

besides, as much I hate him, I want him in our baby's life. They can't grow up like me. They can't.

"Miss? Are you finished?"

I snap my head up to the waiter who was about to clean up the table I sat at.

I nodded my head and gave her a smile. "Yes sorry. Here." I say placing a five on the table before grabbing my bag from the chair beside me.

I stand up, I place a hand on my stomach and smile when I feel the little flutter of a kick.


I stood in front of the mirror with my hands running down the fabric of the navy blue striped dress that I wore that hugged my stomach, making it show more than it usually did. I smiled down as I turn to my side and rest my hands in the stomach as I close my eyes.

The baby isn't kicking as much, but Dr. Holland said it sometimes can take a while before they actually do. My mom told me that I hadn't kicked a lot until a week after she found out I was a girl, so hopefully, it'll be the same for me.

I'm both scared and excited when he or she will
start kicking constantly. I've seen so many women smile over the fact that their baby is kicking and it makes me want that, which I can't wait for.

I hear a knock on my door before my grandpa pokes his head through the door and gives me a smile. "Hey pumpkin, you sure you don't want to eat dinner with us?" He asks as I nod my head.

"Yeah, I promised someone that l'd eat with them," I say as he nods his head.

"Okay, well don't stay out too late. Won't want anything happening to you two." He says pointing down to my stomach before shutting the door.

I wait until I hear his shoes fade away from walking over to where my phone sat on the charger before looking down at the little message that appeared in my notifications.

'Remember, at seven. No later.'

I look over at the clock. I had fifteen minutes. Giving myself one final courage pep talk, I grab my car keys and leave my grandparent's house with a hug goodbye.


I get out of my car and look at the place nervously before walking towards the doors. I knock on the door and a man instantly opens the door confused.

"May I help you?" He asks tilting his head to the side as I nod my head.

"Hank Peterson, I'm Aaliyah Fox, I'm your daughter."

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