7 | The Truth Comes Out

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Aizawa left the teachers' dorms, leaving Midoriya in Hizashi's hands. He was heading to the 1-A dorms, with murder being the only thing on his mind. Izuku had practically broke down in front of him, spilling that his classmates were ignoring him. That alone made him furious.

He needed to know why his problem children thought it was okay to ignore someone he thought they considered a friend. They obviously didn't know how much it can damage a person, otherwise they wouldn't have done such a thing. Either that or they weren't as kind as he'd thought they were.

Izuku spilling that they were ignoring him also explained the other night. How all of them were in the common room together. How they had ignored his sounds of agony. It made him livid.

He thought about how Izuku blamed himself for it, thinking he was the cause. It broke his heart to see the child blame himself so much over something that clearly wasn't his fault.

Yet he still needed the other side of the story.

He reached the dorms, taking deep breaths to avoid being angry. He didn't want to lash out on his students after all.

After a moment, he opened the door. He saw his problem children all gathered in the common room, either sitting on the sofas or standing up. The scene was normal, yet something was off. They seemed to be.. arguing?

"Alright, what's going on here?" he asked. All commotion stopped as they stared at their teacher, who seemed to have seen what happened.

"Nothing sir." Iida lied. "Why are you here sir? You never come to the dorms."

"Did you find Izuku, sir?" Uraraka asked, panic evident in her tone.

Aizawa walked towards them, standing idly by the window. "Yes. Which brings me to why I'm here." He tried to figure out how to word it. "I have a question that involves your classmate." Silence followed, so Shota asked the question that had been on his mind all evening. "I want to know why you were ignoring your classmate, Midoriya."

The students' eyes widened, no one daring to respond. Mina decided to speak up. "It was just supposed to be a prank, Mr Aizawa."

"A prank?" He took a deep breath, containing his anger. "A.. prank?" She nodded, seemingly afraid. "I don't know how you thought ignoring a classmate would be funny."

Ashido stumbled over her words nervously. "I thought it would strengthen his mentality.."

"Well, for your information, it just made it worse." he explained, as he examined the others faces. Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki seemed incredibly guilty. Their faces told him all he needed to know.

"Where is Izuku, sir?" Uraraka asked, eyes full of hope as she looked into her teacher's eyes. She wanted, no, she needed to apologise.

"He's with Present Mic in the teachers' dorms. And he'll be staying there for a while."

Mina looked apologetic, eyes focused on the floor as she avoided eye contact. "We're sorry, sir. We thought it would help him."

"We?!" Todoroki shouted, his fire side lighting up slightly. "Me, Uraraka and Iida knew it would hurt him and wanted out but you didn't let us, saying," he did quotation marks, "'when you agree, you can't have out'. So, no, we did not think it would help. You and the others did."

Aizawa sighed. "I'll decide your punishments later." He began to walk away.

"Wait! Sir!" He turned around. "Can me, Todoroki and Iida still see him? We want to apologize properly."

"Tomorrow." he replied. "Right now, he's resting."

And with that, he left the dorms, leaving behind almost an entire class of guilty children.

He still couldn't believe them. Ashido thought that ignoring him would 'strength his mentality'? That was a joke. It just made it so much worse.

Seeing how Midoriya had blamed himself for their idea of a prank, he wondered just how much that kid had on his shoulders. How often he blames himself for things he can't control, for things that aren't his fault to begin with.

He wondered if they were the main cause of his panic attacks. He wondered how long he's had them for, how long they last, how he normally deals with them alone.

But, those questions could wait. Right now, he had to look after Midoriya and tell Hizashi what had happened.

He reached the teachers' dorms, taking the fast route to his apartment. With Midoriya on his hands, it had taken longer, but alone it would take seconds.


That was all he could hear from within when he reached their apartment. He was expecting to at least hear Hizashi talking, moving about or even the odd noise in the kitchen, but nothing.

He opened the door, and almost immediately, his heart melted. Hizashi was sitting on the sofa, obviously asleep, with Midoriya's head on his lap. The greenette was soundly asleep, only quiet snores here and there.

He walked over silently, the soft padding of his footsteps the only thing audible. He ruffled Izuku's hair gently as he kissed his husband on the cheek. His student looked so peaceful, despite what had been going on at the dorms the past few days.

"You alright, Sho?" Hizashi asked sleepily, eyes fluttering open.

He nodded. "I found out what happened."

"Hm?" He sat up slightly, aware of the child on his lap.

"Ashido thought ignoring him as a prank would strengthen his mentality." he told him. "Apparently, she forced Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki to continue to ignore him when they wanted out."

Hizashi looked angry, which was a first for the normally calm male. "A prank?" He began to caress Izuku's hair. "All it did was make his mentality worse, not better."

"I know. So, I decided problem child can stay with us for a while if he wants to and I'll determine their punishments later." He averted his eyes to Izuku for a second. "Has he been sleeping okay?"

Hizashi nodded. "Little listener woke up and fell asleep on me, so I assume he hasn't been getting good rest the past few days."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Aizawa pulled the blanket over the greenette a bit more as he seemed to be somewhat cold.

We'll help you all we can, problem child.

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