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Chapter 11

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After my interview, I'm on cloud nine when I return to the apartment.

And I'm in an even better mood when Cameron stands in the doorway anxiously awaiting to hear about it. "Well?" He asks. "How did it go?"

"I got it!" I exclaim, bouncing excitedly on my toes. "I got the job! They gave it to me on the spot!"

Cameron closes the distance between us, scooping me into his arms and twirling me around. "Fuck, baby, I'm so damn proud of you! I knew you could do it. You're the smartest woman on the planet."

Tre mentioning a similar comment floods into my mind, and just for a second, the rush of excitement falters. Now that I officially have the position, it means Tre and I will be working in the same department for the next six months, and I have no clue how Cameron is going to feel about it.

"Thanks," I reply sheepishly. "Your texts beforehand really helped. I wasn't as nervous when I went in there, but before, while waiting at the cafeteria, I—" My heart freezes when I spot a heart-shaped cake sitting on the counter, congratulations sprawled across the center in white frosting. "You got me a cake?"

"Yeah. Do you like it? I was thinking that when Iz wakes up from her nap, we can cut into it."

I shake my head in disbelief. "You're too confident. What if I came back crying because I didn't get the job?"

He huffs a laugh, tucking a loose curl behind my ear. "I have a backup cake in the fridge."

"Rich people," I drawl.

Cam arches a brow. "You are currently said rich people. Have you taken a look at our bank account recently?"

"Honestly? No, I haven't. I tend to avoid looking at the amount of zeros as much as humanly possible. Knowing we seem to have an endless stream of money is terrifying. I'm afraid if I get used to it, my priorities and personality will change. I don't ever want to forget where I came from."

"You have too big of a heart to change, baby." He tugs me closer against his hard, muscular chest, which looks incredible in a fitted black t-shirt. "I want you to get used to having money. I want you to go shopping, pamper yourself, and do whatever you need in order to feel relaxed. I've worked hard for this money. It'd be a crime not to enjoy it."

"But it's your money," I reiterate. "I wouldn't feel right spending it."

"Mads, we're married. My money is your money. Plain and simple. When you become an exceptional, highly prestigious doctor, are you going to tell me I can't use your money?"

"What? No, of course not. That's ridiculous. I'd—" Releasing a sigh, I understand his point. "Fine. I will go shopping with Iz soon. She needs more clothes, anyway."

"And you," he adds. "Stuff for both of you."

I'm unsure how we got so off track, but I still have to tell him about Tre. I'd rather get it out of the way than hide it any longer. "I ran into someone at the hospital," I blurt.

Cam's grip tightens around my waist. "Oh?"

"Yeah, I..." Suddenly, it feels hard to breathe. "Um, Tre works at the hospital now. H-He went to school to become a registered nurse, and he travels now, and..."

As suspected, Cam's body has grown tense beneath my cheek, where it's resting on his chest. I can't look at him. I won't be able to bear whatever emotion will radiate from his eyes. Anger? Betrayal? Disappointment?

"You guys had a conversation." Not a question, a statement. His voice has dropped an octave into a dangerous, lethal tone. "He approached you?"

"Yes. I was waiting in the cafeteria until my interview started. He was grabbing breakfast and spotted me." While confessing the bad news, I might as well tell him everything. "He's only on contract for six more months here before he returns to Phoenix, but for the remainder of his time here, we're going to be working in the same unit."

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