13. Anna vs Finn

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I laid my head on Finn's back. Well, more like leaned my helmet, but still. I was enjoying the fresh morning wind. We had fallen into a comfortable routine by now. 

I closed my eyes and felt at peace. I knew we had reached when I felt the bumps on the road leading to school, and Finn's slowing down. 

I jumped off, and didn't rush in this time. I waited for Finn to get off and we walked in together. I was in a great mood, especially considering the fact that I'd managed to get my project done. So much can change in a week. Finn went from Cactus, to well, Finn. 

Finn disappeared when I caught sight of Jen and Theo at their usual hangout spot, my locker. I noticed Jen's expression when she saw Finn animatedly talking to me. I had barely reached my locker when she started going off. 

"Hello hello, I don't think I've ever heard him speak more than three words at once, but homeboy cannot stop talking when he's with you." 

I just shrugged. Both Theo and Jenny gave me their signature suspicious look. 

"You totally like him." Theo said. 

I groaned. Not this again. "Guys, no. Not happening. Nuh uh."

They gave each other a look I couldn't decipher. Weirdos. I managed to avoid their nonsense and sneak into English class. I spotted Ryan talking animatedly with a bunch of people. 

He had become really popular in such a short time, especially after he had joined the team. He was just so lively. And he was pretty hot too, probably explained the notes I saw girls slipping into his locker. 

He noticed me and waved. "Hey!"

He walked over to me, not bothering about the huge fanclub he left behind. 

"Seb, how have you been? You done with the project?"

I nodded, smiling. Ryan was such a nice guy. Even though he had like 50 friends now, he still bothered to come over and talk to me. After a bit more small talk, he ruffled my hair and ran off. I walked over to my seat, laughing softly as I tried to fix my hair. 

I paused when I saw Finn glaring at his desk, looking like a kid who just got their favorite toy stolen. "Finn? What's up?"


Alrighty then. We waited till Roberts came in and collected all our papers. 

"I'm glad everyone has done this on time. I hope it wasn't too hard." 

I shook my head, muttering under my breath. "You have no idea."

I could see Finn looking at me from the corner of my eye, but he didn't say anything. Roberts gave us this huge sinister smile, and I already dreaded what was about to come. 

"Your next project will be..."

Everyone groaned. Roberts looked unfazed. 

"You must expand on any one of the ten things you have specified. It has to be a minimum of 200 words."

The class erupted into chaos. "Miss Roberts, how am I supposed to write 200 words about 'she has blue eyes'?"

She laughed. "You can get creative."

I had a feeling the rest of the year was going to be a pain. 


I was happy to see that Jenny and Theo were finally done with their work and showed up to the  cafeteria for lunch. My smile slowly faded when I realized that my usual lunch one-on-ones with Finn were coming to an end. I decided to try my luck and see if he would like to sit with us. 

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