⇢ 13. morning runs

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13. ❛ morning runs.

SOFIA HAD A LOVE/HATE relationship with waking up early in the morning. She loved the peace and comfort it provided. There was always a sweetness in the early morning silence.

She loved it when it felt like the rest of the world was still fast asleep, and she was the only one awake. Everything feels like it isn't really real when she's getting ready, and she kind of forgets about all her problems and stress because, for now, it was just her, the world around, and the awaited sunrise.

Oh, but Sofia dreaded waking up in the early morning. She hated it when she had stepped out of the warm blankets. She hated when she had to turn on the bright lights to get ready. She hated it when she remembered all she had to do and the long day she had ahead of her. And she hated how Lando Norris invited her on a morning sunrise run, and she said yes.

Sofia awoke to the gentle hum of the Mediterranean seeping through her window, the soft waves echoing the rhythm of Monaco's mornings. The sun had yet to cast its glow over the principality. Stretching languidly, she turned to look at Jules, who was fast asleep and curled beneath the blankets.

Monaco's essence wafted through the air – a subtle blend of sea breeze and the distant whispers of a waking city. Sofia's morning was good, but she was dreading it. She took a shower and did her morning routine before pulling out her workout clothes. She was staying at a small apartment in Monaco in the center of the bustling city of Monte Carlo, while Aurora and Lando would be staying with Aurora's family down by the harbor.

And speaking of, Sofia's doorbell just rang. Putting down her glass of water, the blonde made her way over to the door and pulled it open, a small smile on her lips when she caught sight of Aurora and Lando.

"Move," Aurora grumbled as she pushed past Sofia and made her way right into Sofia's bedroom, where she more than likely curled up under the duvet and fell right back to sleep.

"She was one minute away from screaming at me for waking her up at this 'ungodly hour' until I told her she would be able to go back to sleep with Jules." Lando chuckled with a shake of his head as he put some of his belongings down on Sofia's kitchen island.

"I wouldn't blame her." Sofia snorted and walked back into her bedroom to place a kiss on Jules' head before closing the door and making her way back to Lando, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. Do you know any good running routes?" He asked as they left the apartment and made their way to the main floor of the building, "I have a few that I usually take, but you grew up here, so I figured you'd have a specific route you take or something."

Sofia thought about it for a moment as they stepped outside. It was dark, and the sun still hadn't risen, "Yes, there's two, actually. One is on an island in France called Iles De Lerins. By boat, it'll only take us about an hour to get there, but that's too long right now. So, I have another route in mind that's not too far away."

Lando nodded with a shrug and started to walk down the pathway they were on, "Fine with me."

"IT'S SO HOT." LANDO NORRIS whined for about the fifth time, complaining about the sun and humidity hitting his bare skin.

Sofia sucked in a deep breath as she continued jogging, "Lando, if you don't stop whining, quindi aiutami dio (so help me god), I will leave you behind to get lost."

Lando rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath as they passed by some people, offering smiles and waves. He changed the subject once he started to slow down and started to walk, "You know, my worst fear is accidentally committing tax fraud because I'm a fucking idiot."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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