Chapter 22

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Fabio's pov

I lead Lucas to my office and we sit opposite to each

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I lead Lucas to my office and we sit opposite to each.
“What do you need Fabio?”
Honestly it hurts when my children call me by my name but I can't blame him for not being comfortable with calling me his dad.
“If this is because of Mandy, just know that I don't do things twice. I'm done with her and so is Laureline.”
“Are you sure about that? ” I say giving him a blank look
“Laureline isn't that naive to believe her again. She's done it too many times to know that you don't give bad people second chances.”
We sit in silence until I say something that's not in my vocabulary “I'm sorry, I'm sorry for calling you selfish. I knew if I got you angry enough you'd have to tell us the truth so that we don't only know what your sister is feeling but you are too. This can help us understand you better and see if we can help you two”
“I knew that was your plan and you're forgiven”
“Good. You know you aren't alone, right? None of us are going to let you take care of Laureline all by yourself at least not anymore ”
“I've heard it all before so I'll believe it when I see it” He says getting ready to leave.
“Fabian told me you could take care of this Richard thing. Let me know if you do cause if you don't I will”
“And how would you take care of it?” I ask getting curious how far he'll go for his sister
“I'll figure it out in the heat of the moment” he says “How were you gonna handle it? ” he asks as if I have no plan but I can't tell him yet. He still doesn't know about the mafia.
I'm going to torture him until he bleeds from his eyes. I say in my head.
“We'd get the lawyers to make sure he rots in jail” I lie
“Sounds nice Fabio” He leaves without me dismissing him and it pisses me off. Why isn't he like his brothers, at least they know how to show respect. I sigh and find my whiskey half empty. Odd. I'm drinking too much but I know I just opened a new bottle.

“What are you thinking about so intently?” Daniella asks walking into the office
“Nothing Amor, how may I help you?” I say with a small smile
“I saw your son leaving your office what were you two talking about?
Just telling him to stay away from Mandy”
She laughs and says “she got what she deserved”
“And you people say he's just like me. He got his wickedness from his mother.”
“I am not wicked and neither is Lucas.”
“Whatever you say amor”
“Now back to vacation planning” she says and we're back at looking at places to go.

My phone starts to ring and I ignore it thinking if it was important they'll call twice. They call again and this has also gained Daniella's attention. I answer and hear one of my men telling me that news of the twins being back home has spread in the underworld.
“What is it Fabio? ” My wife asks feeling uneasy
“The underworld knows about the twins”
Damon and Dante walk in with frustration on their faces.
“How did they find out and who?”
“The Mexicans. Apparently they've been keeping tabs on us and it slipped when one of them went drinking. The twins are the biggest thing on the market Dad” they explain looking serious. Sigh.
My phone rings again and this time it's my older brother, Giovanni.
“Fratello (brother) ” I say after answering the call
“Fabio, com'è possibile che non siamo stati i primi a sapere del ritorno dei gemelli? (How is it that we weren't the first to find out about the twins being back?) ”
“Stavo cercando di evitarlo. Sai che non potevo semplicemente chiamarti e dirti tutto questo, i nostri telefoni potrebbero essere disturbati.
(I was trying to avoid this. You know that I couldn't just call and tell you all this, our phones could be bugged. ) ” I explain to him.
“Bontà Fabio. Conoscono almeno questo tipo di lavoro?(Goodness Fabio. Do they at least know about this line of work?) ” he says referring to the twins
“No. Non sono più come prima. Dobbiamo solo assicurarci che restino a casa e predisporre una sicurezza extra per quando escono.(No. They aren't like they were before. We just have to make sure that they stay home and set up extra security for when they do go out.) ” I say
“Sanno di essere il tuo fratello debole. Ecco perché lo stanno facendo per farti alzare le difese per vedere se ci tieni. (They know they're your weakness brother. That's why they're doing this getting you to put your defenses up to see if you care). Tell me when you have a plan. I'll get eyes on the ground this side to see what's happening. Caio fratello” Gio says before hanging up.

Giovanni was supposed to be Don of the Mafia but he had his sights somewhere else. He's an assassin a good one at that and spends most of his time killing the people who an ordinary person wouldn't know are in control. He didn't want the weight of the world on his shoulders so I took the load off for him.

Everyone thought him weak for not being able to take his rightful place but my brothers and I understood him. Without him giving me his position I wouldn't have met Daniella or had my kids or known what I wanted in life. There is no bitterness between me and any of my brothers. We all support each other and I can already feel them discussing how idiotic I am for not telling them that we got the twins back.

I just hope that the Mexicans are ready for war cause I am as ready as I'll ever be.

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