Who's Rachel?

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(February 15th, 2005) Letty's POV

Hi, I am Letticia Joy Ateara, and I am 16 years old. Though everyone calls me Letty. My dad died years ago. So, my mum has raised my brother Quil and I with the help of our parternal grandfather. We live on the Quileute reservation near Forks.

Anyway, I found out recently that I am eight weeks pregnant. Mum was not thrilled, but she is very supportive. I tried to tell my boyfriend of nearly two years Paul Lahote last night. But he got a high fever and had to go home before I could.

I prayed he'd be at school today, but he wasn't. Apparently, he has mono. Which isn't possible as I don't have it. And it's transmitted through kissing. So, unless he was cheating on me, he must be sick with something else.

I tried to call him after school. But it went straight to voice mail. Quil says I shouldn't worry about it. That Paul would call me once he recovered.

(March 13th, 2005)

But that didn't happen. He missed a couple of weeks of school. Then, when he returned, he no longer hung out with me or our friends. Except he hang out with Jared Cameron and Sam Uley. He'd cut his hair and had gotten a tattoo. Always weras shorts and Tshirts. His temper was worse, and it scares me.

But I had to tell him about our baby. I couldn't raise it alone. I was raised without a father most of my life, and it sucked. I don't want that for my baby. He or she deserves to know their father. So, I sucked up all my courage and walked over to him. "Paul, we need to talk," I state.

"Can it wait?" Paul asks.

"It cannot, it's very important," I tell him.

"Look, Jared and I have to go see Sam," he states.

"Screw Sam, this is about us." I snap, and he begins to shake. Jared places a hand on his shoulder. "Paul, please, I'm scared, and I need you," I plead, trying not to cry. Stupid hormones. Paul relaxes.

"Of course, we can talk Letty. Please don't cry. " he pleads, resting his warm hand my check. It's warmer than usual.

"Can we talk in private?" I ask him.

"Sure," he says, and Jared goes to protest. "It's fine, Jared. I will meet you at Emily's," he assures him. Before leading me away, an arm over my shoulders. "What's wrong, Letty? You looked close to tears, and you never cry, " he states.

"It's the stupid hormones, has my emotions all over the place," I state.

"You on your cycle?" Paul asks.

"No, I haven't had one all year," I tell him, and he frowns in confusion.

"That's not normal, right?" Paul asks.

"It is with my condition," I tell him.

"Are you sick?" Paul asks me concerned.

"No, perfectly healthy. Except, for..." I bite my lip.

"Except for what?" Paul asks.

"I'm pregnant, Paul, with our baby," I tell him. I place his hand on my baby bump, looking into his eyes. "I tried to tell you Valentine's Day, but you got sick and went home. Then you didn't answer my calls and have been avoiding me since you got back. I'm about 12 weeks along," I explain.

"We're going to have a baby?" Paul asks, shocked.

"Yes, and I'm scared, I can't do this alone. Our baby deserves it's father" I tell him.

"You won't be alone, I'll be there every step of the way," he assures me. Wrapping his arms around me, hugging me close. I return it. "Who else knows?" Paul asks.

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