chapter 21 : never say never

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"what are you doing in here Michael?" Alex asked irritated

"just rescuing the princess" michael replied "tsk" alex click his tongue in annoyance

Michael & Alex are cousin from father side that's why they are both from Taylor family, their family is also one of the richest family in the world.

Michael never saw sai face, he only heard sai from alex, alex brother & sister when they were a kid.

Michael also heard about sai through her cousin cause gab, mark, zeed, lucas & their sister keep on bragging how perfectly beautiful she is inside & out.

unlike alex he's a childhood friend & he knows sai perfectly. Michael & Alex are opposite. Michael is a gentleman, sweet & a good guy.

while alex is forceful, self centered & your total bad boy type, despite their opposite attitude. girls are always head over heels in love to these cousins

sai is still confused. what's happening & why he's so mad, did I do something wrong. sai thought to herself.

Michael gently hold her hand & drag her away from alex. when alex is about to grab sai hand he saw a confused & painful expression 'damn!' he mutters.

Michael still dragging sai "ahm excuse me?" Michael didn't hear sai call "michael?" michael still can't hear him. annoyed being ignored

"ah!" michael shout & hold his hand he looked at sai red face & he laughed "I didn't know that you like bitting" sai face reddened more.

"cause you're ignoring me, I keep calling your name but it seems that you're busy thinking about something so I decided to bite your arms. sorry" sai apologize

michael softly taps sai head "your cousins were right you really are something." michael smile gently at sai

"you're going in the toilet right?" michael asked "yeah. how did you know?" sai asked

"I heard you asking for directions to your cousin & when you went outside alex followed you. I'm sorry" michael said

"why are you apologizing, you just saved me from alex" michael shake his head

"I'm sorry if my cousin is a jerk but he really means what he said. he really likes you ever since we were kids. I keep hearing good things about you I really am curious what type of girl are you, guess now I know why my cousin is head over heels in love with you"

sai is shocked "wait. what. you & alex are cousin?! I'm sorry you witnessed something embarrassing" michael laugh "I'm the one who should say sorry he acted like a jerk, sorry"

"ahm no it's okay its not your fault so please stop apologizing" sai smiles sweetly, Michael looked away blushing "ah I really need to pee. excuse me" sai bow & went to the toilet

"is sai in here?" lucas, shin & kent asked Michael "yeah" sai heard her twins while she is washing her hand

"kuya & shin what are you doing in here?" sai asked "we were wondering & worried what took you so long we thought you got lost but didn't think you're with michael" kent said

"oh he leads me the way, I kind of lost kuya" sai answered, she didn't tell what happened with alex "I bet, so let's come back kuya daniel & james is already looking for us"

shin hugs sai & caressed her back "did something happen ate?" shin whisper "I'll tell you later. okay" shin nodded

"lets go shin & sai. kuyas been waiting downstairs" sai nodded "michael thank you so much for helping me" sai bow & smile "it's my pleasure princess"

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